December 24, 2014

Christmas Blues


Hole in the Road - near Penguin Motocross, Monday 29 December 630pm. Bastard is promising another virgin mountain there. OnOn at Pioneer's.

Run Report:
Santa Wannabees...
The Xmas Bash at Cheese went as expected. Good walk/run around the hood with a well catered piss stop. At the On-On well carved and cooked roasts, the occasional swearing, fighting, some fighting, sex on the tables, all was good. Santa kicked a plate with Pavlova into Crow's face was the only above the belt move Santa performed, everything else was below the belt. Plenty of people also had Santa sit on their lap, or sat on Santa's lap, depending on who's team they batted for.  No-one got hurt too badly.  Some more pics <here>.

She may not have a beard, but we have the hottest Santa!
Joke (we should have more of them again as people are starting to take us seriously these days):
While waiting to finalise their Australian residential status, two Iranian men start chatting. As they part, they agree to meet in a years time and see who has adapted better to the Australian way of life. True to their word, they meet after the year is up. The first says to the second "We have integrated so well...yesterday, I ate a meat pie and drank a VB while watching my son play Aussie rules" The second man replies "F**k off, towelhead"

December 16, 2014

Xmas Cummin Up Again!

Next weeks run is the Xmas extravaganza at Cheeze's fantastic and fabulous multi-story mansion in West Ulverstone - for those that don't know, it's in Amhurst St, just look for the Hawks shrine. By special request runners (and that includes walking wankers) should bring a wrapped present worth $10, and bring a plate with dessert food on it (if you feel inspired) that you would eat yourself - no crap!

And so it came to pass that the Trailmaster was late again. This time the blame can be apportioned to Maggie who was so engulfed in building his new super duper trailer that he lost track of time. As the little red toy car arrived at the run, the runners were seen far in the distance heading south to who knows where. Well, someone must have done as the trail passed under the expressway, not once, but twice! And at the same time giving the runners a whiff of pungent odours - there was some roadkill close by but the aroma of cooking chips made up for everything. You know, I did not get to call On On not once or even twice during the run - impatient bastards.

On arriving back at the unit that Cheeze built, Bonor provided a feast suitable for a King's footman. The walking wankers made big inroads into the feast so that there was only nibbles left for the runners who arrived much later. I think Dint was able to find enough scraps.

Downs were downed for reasons which I have no memory except that 777 runs figures somewhere in it. It was especially pleasing to see Eyesore and her date for the night FDB visiting from remote parts of Qld, hear tell they would move back to Tassie if there were some jobs. They bought along a virgin hasher named Adrian and he was promptly named Rocky (I think).

Word has it that after a 2 litre cask of port was demolished, Crow (who arrived late after looking after a group of public servants who are still getting paid at Oz Rock Inn, and did not bring the hub) invited those that were left to his place for more port. Some port loving diehards accepted the invitation and were heard leaving after daylight. 1080 was not impressed with the evidence left behind!

Guardy set the run, Bonor was the host, Foghorn performed the Lip and Captain Crab spilt a glass of red on the new concrete - what a combination!

Soff - (it's not my fault that the vehicle that I am in is late!)

November 25, 2014

Fwd: Run 1746 - Monday 1st December

NEXT RUN: Hare Tracka advises Hash starts and finishes at Cnr South Esplanade and Port Street, Port Sorell. (swimming pool park near mouth of Panatana Rivulet.). Usual Hash time of 6.45pm.

Run 1745

Hashers arrived to find Soff and Landing's Australia Flag flying at half-mast as a sign o f respect following  the death of Mattress who suddenly went to Sky Hash on Saturday. May all her trails be  down-hill and the winds blow in the direction of her travel.

Mattress's death reminds us that we are all mortal and that we should enjoy our times at Hash as we never know when it may be our last.

​Our Mattress.... RIP at SkyHHH

Soff set a trail that traversed the Caravan Park to the beach, then westward-ho into a howling gale. (well at least some of us were crying) A clever inland double back to the 'burbs saw hashers going in all directions causing considerable consternation and pain for the Trailmaster. It turned his hair grey. Past where the berries grow the walkers diverted across the rail-line and the runners continued to go Forth (river that is). Crow ran fifth and short cut as usual. Thrust and Eagle tried  to miss the Master Check and the HHH but the Trailmaster religiously called them back. (saying where the hell have you been!) Meanwhile Maggie and Cheese decided they had had enough. .... and there was Crow.

Hashers returned to the Hash House to enjoy Landing's usual excellent spread. Bastard conducted The Lipperary and dispensed "downs" for trivial offences. Rhubarb .... Rhubarb.... The Huh was awarded but due to my exhaustion I am unable remember to whom.

Thank you Soff and Landing.

Keep your mobiles at the ready in anticipation of your Sunday text.


November 20, 2014

Run 1745

Confirming next Monday night's run is at Soff & Landing's place at 40 Esplanade, Turners Beach.
Continuing our trial to ascertain "expected" attendees, you will receive a text on Sunday 'arvo asking to reply "yes" if you think you will be there. If "no" ~ don't reply.
Run 1744
FC was our host and set a graffiti trail of pink fluorescent paint in the form of Aboriginal Artwork dotted on trees. Firstly we navigated  down into the valley where nobody goes, we found a young lady without any clothes, along comes a hasher all tattered and torn  ... I forget the rest .... Some of us found a Master Check before we started ascending Mt Gillam. Through scrubland we hashed to find a black track and another Master Check. Some enterprising hashers had already left before the pack arrived. They were anxious to continue to the summit as they were sensing the possibility of  transfiguration before a heavenly ascension. It didn't happen!! A rest at Wealth Corner enable the pack to regroup before descending through the spud paddock to another "dam" master check. Onwards the pink spots appeared before our eyes to find the HHH emblazed on a Eucalyptus Obliqua. Returning back to the Hash House F had organised a convivial on-on around a mimosa fire. It was good to welcome back mattress. Tracka conducted the "lipperary" and somehow Crow managed to convince the assembled that he was worthy of the hub...   Thank you FC. Well done!!
Photo as depicted is by courtesy of Cradle Coast Tours and sponsored by Eden Moore Joinery.

November 16, 2014

Up and Cummin

Run       When                  Who                                           Where
1745       24/11/2014         Soff          40 Esplanade, Turners Beach
1746        01/12/2014        Tracka    Port Sorell
1747        08/12/2014.    Foghorn                                    T/B/A          
1748        15/12/2014        Boner   (GV setting)                      2/2 Wrights Rd, U'stone (off Trevor St)
1749       22/12/2014         Cheese (Christmas Run)                Amherst St West Ulverstone
1750       29/12/2014         Bastard                                                    TBA
1751       04/01/2015         Crow (wet t/shirt run)                      Oz Rock Inn
1754       25/01/2015         Ratchet & Knickers (TBC)                   Port Sorell   

FCs turn

Salutations Fellow Hashers,

Triple Top excelled as usual with her run on Monday night. The walkers partook of a variable course through scrub and suburbia while the runners had their ups and downs. Actually it was Fanny May who had her ups and downs despite warnings from the hare.

Thank you Triple Top. A hostess with the mostess!

Next Monday’s Hash is under the control of FC from 190 Stubbs Road, via Turners Beach. And as a trial would you please indicate if you may be attending by texting your Hash Name and “Yes” or “No” to Guardsvan on 0417398235 by 12 Noon Monday.
This will assist the hare with catering. It is an indication only and not a commitment.


Assistant Trailmaster

November 4, 2014

Next Week's Hash; KISS

Run No 1743 will be from The Dell Luck Reserve near The Don Railway at usual hash time. This will be the AGM. As Grand Mattress Thrust is unable to attend, she has already anointed Black Tracka as her successor.

Run Organiser Triple Top has declared this a KISS run (keep it simple stupid). As I am throwing out the flour I am not sure what she is trying to say.

The Receding Hareline will be released in a separate "post".

Report on Run 1742.

11 walkers and 5 runners fronted for Dint's Expanding Universe Theory trail which "expanded" in ever increasing spirals with the Hash House as the nucleus. The walkers headed home from one of the inner loops while the runners continued on their ever developing helix including The Caroline Street Inclinator. They eventually imploded at the HHH and free fell back to the Hash House to enjoy a Pinks Bits spread of universal proportions. An entertaining Foggie liperary followed including a welcome to fist time hasher Sniffa. Dint was the recipient of the hub for reasons I do not recall.

Well done Koff and Dint. A sum of $300 was donated to The Cancer Council as a result of your efforts.

On On


November 2, 2014

Showus yer Pink bits!

Whoops, GA never posted this for Dint...

LAST NIGHT – Crab set a trail from Otto’s Grotto around the foreshore, through Fairway Park, where runners and walkers split. It was a very windy night and runners lost trail near paedophile's paradise (Sacred Heart Primary School). After a bit of searching they all said “fuck Crab,” and returned to the hut at Otto’s Grotto, where Crab insisted trail went through the school grounds, despite a new sign saying it was not a thorough fare and trespassers would be prosecuted, and the rest of the trail must have blown away. We all said “bullshit,” and adjourned for some of the best sausages Crab has ever supplied – pizza and garlic bread.

Crab kept with the Italian theme and also provided Neapolitan ice cream (with crushed nuts) for dessert. In the absence of the lip (Foghorn) and lower lip (Bedpan), Crow usurped Koff’s authority (lower, lower lip) and conducted the lippery. Numerous down downs were administered – none of them for anything worth remembering, apart from Phay Wray visiting from Burnie (with Harley – dog, not bike) in tow. Phay Wray labelled Devonport a “boys club” despite Koff, Tinsel, and Ewe Turn being present, so we told her to show us her tits or fuck off. She did neither, so we gave her a down down, which she complained was too cold and tasted of too much beer (unlike Burnie’s brew, which tastes of too much ginger beer).

The lippery was conducted with the usual volume, which scared Harley, only because the Burnie Hash runs are such quiet and boring events and he wasn’t used to all the excitement. After the lippery, Crow conducted a rigged raffle, handing out junk, prizes gathered on his recent trip to Vanuatu. Unfortunately, the tickets were free, so we couldn’t ask for a refund. However, we decided we should ban hashers from future overseas trips, based on the quality prizes we seem to get when they return.

NEXT WEEK’S RUN – Show us Your Pink Bits Run
at 14 Church St, East Devonport, usual hash time.

Koff and Dint’s annual (well, it is now because we’ve claimed it) pink themed run. Please wear something pink and encourage as many hashers as possible to attend – all run fees for the night will be donated to the Cancer Council Tasmania. As was the case food will also be themed pink (including half-cooked meat, which will be pink in the middle). If you haven’t seen our pink food before, it’s worth a look - and you can probably look at it again the next day when you bring it back up. On,On – Dint

Donate NOW

October 24, 2014

Fanny Kelcey

GoneAgain took the hashers to where no one had run before, to the top of Kelcey Tier... Bastard scared the incidental locals at the carpark by accusing them of taking up the entire space with their ute when he arrived but apologised very sincerely when he was later told they were not hashers. He was put the spot and uttered a nonchalant 'sorry', a word most prime ministers are not brave enough to verbalise.

Fanny May had decked out the entertainment area with valuable art-deco furniture to make us all comfortable. Cheese made himself comfortable on the most expensive museum piece and smashed it into bits accidentally. FM was worried sick he'd injured himself.  FM then dished out leftovers (that GA refused for lunch) and her signature chocolate brownies which blew away the troops. BedPan managed to stay safe thanks to a yellow stripe painted on the deck especially for her and her kind. Suggestions were made FM needs to fence off the entire deck to keep Hashers in and ensure safety (of the neighbours?).


Run       When                  Who                                           Where
1741       27/10/2014         Crab                                            Otto’s Grotto, Ulverstone
1742       03/11/2014         Soff                                             40 Esplanade Turners Beach
1743       10/11/2014         Thrust or Triple Top (AGM)        TBC
1744       17/11/2014         FC                                              TBA
1745       24/11/2014         Dint                                             TBA
1746        01/12/2014        Triple Top or Thrust                 TBC
1747        08/12/2014        T/B/A                                        TBA
1748        15/12/2014        T/B/A                                        TBA
1749       22/12/2014         Cheese (Christmas Run)             Amherst St West Ulverstone

October 15, 2014

Coles Beach and Upcuming Runs

Run       When                  Who                          Where

1740       20/10/2014         FM & GA                  Durkins Rd, Kelcey Tier (Quarry).
                                                                           On On at 
0 James Street.
1741       27/10/2014         Crab                         TBA
1742       03/11/2014         Soff                           TBA
1743       10/11/2014         Thrust (AGM)            TBA
1744       17/11/2014         FC                             TBA
1745       24/11/2014         Dint                            TBA
1749       22/12/2014         Cheese (Xmas Run)  Amherst St West Ulverstone

Tracka giving us the ins and outs on the trail. FOUR kg of flour was allegedly used to set it. He must have been very hungry, as little was left for us to find.
Run 1739       Set by Tracka & Tinsel from Coles Beach. Tracka made four statements prior to the start. 1. That it was not a short run  2. That it was not  long run  3. That there was virgin territory  That there was a nude photo shot taking place en route (so to speak).  Well two out of four is only just a pass. It was not a short run! There was virgin territory! (Tracka got lost in the Coles Beach hinterland but continued to lay trail until he stumbled on the walking track. Thank goodness we had Lantern with his superior survival and navigations skills or we still might have been there.)  That is where the truths finished. The on-on in the BBQ area was sumptuous and highlighted by Cheese’s headlights (Hi-beam we needed you.) The rest of the evening was taken up by Crow moaning about being attacked by a huge man eating dog who wanted to chew on his bone.
Thanks Tracka and Tinsel.


Ed. A range of unclaimed lost property was found along the Virgin territory by GoneAgain who combed the virgin bush repeatedly and was sure no humans had ever been there - hence any item of clothing must therefore belong to us...

Ed. Also, We should mention the two huge Lamingtons we got to divy up for desert and the 10 day old salads brought by Crow - which he was glad we could not see or eat as there was little light and no plates/implements. GoneAgain tried hard to eat the salads but got most of it on his shirt/ground. No-one died.

October 12, 2014

Upcuming Hash Runs - 6.30 for 6.45 start

Run       When                  Who                                           Where
1739       13/10/2014         Tracka & Tinsel                         Coles Beach
1740       20/10/2014         FM & GA                                   Durkins Rd, Kelcey Tier (Quarry)
1741       27/10/2014         Crab                                            TBA
1742       03/11/2014         Soff                                             TBA
1743       10/11/2014         Thrust (AGM)                             TBA
1744       17/11/2014         FC                                               TBA
1745       24/11/2014         Dint                                             TBA
1749       22/12/2014         Cheese (Christmas Run)             Amherst St West Ulverstone


September 30, 2014

Receding Hareline for October 2014

  • 6th October: Maggie & Guardsvan
    Crosby Street, Turners Beach
  • 13th October: Trakka & Tinsel
  • 20th October: Fanny May & Gone Again
  • 27th October: Crab
  • 22nd December: Cheese
    Christmas Run.

September 25, 2014

Run Monday 29th September

Where:  Bells Parade, BBQ Shelters, Latrobe
When:   29/09/14 - 6.30 for 6.45 start
Bring:   Torch and warm clothes
On On:  BBQ Shelters
Hare:     Guardsvan

Cheese’s Run:
Last Monday saw 17 hashers roam the streets of West Ulverstone and return to the Hash House for a feast of Savaloys and Hot Pies and a viewing of the Brownlow Medal presentation. Our thanks to Dint for his excellent organisation of the sweep. Guardsvan drew Matt Priddis who was a popular winner.

Thanks Cheese (and Moldy and Tasty) for hosting the evening. Foggy held his usual slippery lippery and the hub was “awarded” to Crow for not bringing the hub!

On On

September 18, 2014

Tellum he's dreaming....

Just a reminder that Monday night’s run is at Cheeze’s and it will have a theme.

The theme is football, so wear your footy colours and scarves etc and enjoy footy food at the end of the run (savs and pies etc.)

Also bring an extra $2 to participate in my world famous Brownlow Medal sweep and you could go home $40 richer.

I’ll prepare a list of the top 20 hopes in the betting market and we’ll each draw for a player. First option will be given top those present, then absent hashers (i.e. partners etc. not attending who want to be in the sweep) and finally, any remaining places will be sold as seconds to anyone who wants another player (bring $4 extra if this is your intention – no guarantees you’ll get to spend it all though).

On On, Dint

September 12, 2014

Burnie Ten and Octoberfest on the horizon

Bald Eagle's run/walk was another original permutation of the well trodden East Devonport pavement. OnOn in his shed with his MG safely stowed away in its body bag, safe from doggy claws but not safe from FC body imprints.

Next run from Yep's place, on the bottom of Mission Hill Road, Numba Wan - he has been warned. Hone your pin-ball machine skills and get ready for the Game Hash of the year.

ALSO: Don't forget to train and register for the Hashers in Wonderland  BurnieTen weekend coming up 18-19 October at Ringo's Wonderland venue.  If you are keen register at: and also for the Burnie Ten at

And if that wasn't enough entertainment why not get your belly full at theH5 Octoberfest at Lemont on the weekend after the BurnieTen.

September 6, 2014

Full moon and Eagle coming up

Thank you Lantern for another entertaining Kelcey Tier adventure! This time the object of the run was to get several wheelbarrows which were strategically left around the well floured trail. Walkers were treated to a glimpse of the Tiers whereas the runners were exposed to the full elevation potential. Runners were guided to the top farmhouse track and sent down the steep Western tracks on the boundary. False trails and checks down misleading steep tracks, and a big HHH fter the fallen tree.

At the OnOn, below the Bass flyover, Lantern had prepared a feast of Lanternic proportions, consisting of meat, meat and more meat. Cake was trucked in from Ben Lomond by Crow who had full intentions of putting someones face in it, but.... it was a chocolate mud cake made by yours truly GoneAgain and was thus irresistible/irreverent to waste. In fact the cake was part of two cakes randomly made the week before. This cake had quite a life:

  • Said cake went to a Lions Meeting on GA's bicycle where GA won a Lions cake in the raffle - presumably the chocolate mud cake acted as raffle bait.
  • Cake was cycled to Surrey street that night, its intended destination, where the other occupants had  left the building in preference to a night at OzRock. Since GA had his house keys in his car, not on his bicycle he returned to Fanyy May's place for the night, with the cake..
  • Then GA used the cake to sell an accidentally purchased 'cake decorating turntable' on FaceBook. It sold immediately but the cake was refused.
  • Our mud cake was then taken up to Ben Lomond where we finished the last half of the first cake, and did not get around to this cake. It was left with 1080 to take home.
  • 1080 gave it to Crow to take to Hash to throw into Lantern's face as per ancient tradition.
  • The Gods interfered once again, and the cake survived to be eaten...


NEXT RUN: EAGLE'S PLACE, EAST  DEVONPORT (25 Torquay Road). 8 SEPT 2014  - 630PM

FULL MOON:  COMING UP ON TUESDAY: LoonRhash on Tuesday 9th will be from the Coles overflow car park near McDonalds in Ulverstone 6.30. pm set by Mr B*stard. On-on at Jade Willow. See you there!!

August 27, 2014

Dint's First

Fearing the worst we the crowd gathered at Dint and Koffs house from where we started. It was clear from the first circle check that Dint had lots of flour and flour to spare. So that is where Cheeze's flour had gone to! The trail looped around Church street, along the river and into the burbs, then skirting along the seafront in the dark. There we eventually found the Rambo/Whimps sign. As Dint had told us before the run he had not wasted much flour on the Walkers trail, and sure enough we found it about 50 meters, if that, from the R/W.

The first surprise was at Koffs home where Runners and Walkers arrived simultaneously to find cheese and bickies. The outdoors heating was ample thanks to Cheeze not wasting any time and putting all wood he could find in the fire pot, creating a nice simmering biomass.

We were expecting soup for dinner, but pizza came out, and then the pasta and macaroni and the Waldorf Salad, garlic bread and Parmesan cheese. That was the first surprise of the evening.... Next surprise was the unthinkable. Usually we all try desperately to stop Dint from burning plastic cups, but this time Mattress full of intent decided to burn her plastic cup after doing her down down. She must be in charge of cremations at the hospital.

Anyways, next run at Lantern's place; 168 (?) Stoney Rise Road, Devonport.

ALSO, THURSDAY NIGHT (28 AUG) BLUES NIGHT at OZROCKINN. Rory Ellis  $35 starting at 7pm playing.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY 30 AUGUST WE ARE INVITED TO COME TO CROW'S SKI LODGE AT BEN LOMOND. SHOW UP AT BEN LOMOND CARPARK Saturday sometime around MIDDAY, or any time really and find Crow and 1080 there... Lodge is called Troobunna, right next to carpark, if you find anyone they will know.  There will be a mini adventure up Hamilton Crags which requires sturdy shoes and probably gloves. One hour walk, followed by a pub crawl in the village... Bring pillow, sleepingbag, booze and if you want bring something along to share with the cookup that might happen if we are motivated. Pub next door.

August 23, 2014

Cheeze's Home Invasion

Cheeze deserved a new prefix after setting his run. Cheeze van Moore set a trail with about 3 metric tablespoons of flour. He managed to save a whole lot by just setting trail along the Ulverstone beach knowing full well it was going to be high tide (ie. no need to waste flour on the beach).  And how did he know? He checked the tide before he set the run and it looked OK (for his flour).

Anyways, it was a good turn out and we were all out there having a jolly good time running around in the dark. Strategically placed protected penguins were put along the trail for amusement. Maggie tried to feed one a finger apparently.

Back at the ranch the walkers who bee-lined home once they hit the beach had ample time to get comfortable in van Cheeze's abode. Amazingly everyone respectfully took off their footwear - exposing some non compliant pairs of socks which went unnoticed. We all missed the cold sheds in the backyard, NOT!

We all left with a full belly, and are to reconvene next week at;

Dint and Koff's place at Church Street in East Devonport at 630pm next monday (25/8/14).

Watch this space for an update on the Mount Lomond overnighter next friday - 29-30 August?

August 15, 2014

Run 1731

Last Monday's Antarctic-themed (or at least it seemed that way)
combined run with Lunar Hash rated on a score out of 10, about the
same as the temperature (about 4).

To say it was fucking freezing would be an understatement.
Only the truly brave and fearless Hashers tackled the trail (of which
there was none).

After Tracker informed the assembled DH3 Hashers and Loonies (of which
there were none, apart from Devonport Hashers), he had been too
busy/lazy to set a trail, we set off into the darkness for a short run
and an even shorter walk before adjourning to Mackay's for a much
anticipated pub meal.

Despite our best efforts and attempts to bribe the waitress, Bastard
wasn't served last, although it looked as though he would be for a

She did manage to drop four plates and their contents on the floor,
but unfortunately. Bastard's meal was not one of them.
Squandering his new-found retirement funds, Poxie lashed out on an
entree and not satisfied with the main meal, Dint (with Koff's help),
Cheeze and Crow also demolished a dessert or three.

Next week's run will be at Cheeze's place – details below.
Bring a torch, $15 and any scraps left over from last week for the dogs.

On, On – Dint
When: Monday 17th August @ 18:30 for 18:45 get away
Where: Amherst St, West Ulverstone
Bring: Torch + $15 for on-on
Hare: Cheeze
On On: Cheeze

August 14, 2014

All New Music Hall 2014

Don't forget! Contact Triple Top if you haven.t got a date yet....

August 5, 2014

Run 1730 in Conjunction with Lunar Hash

When:                  Monday 11th  August @ 1830 for 1845 get away

Where:                 Car Park behind Wells Car Park, Latrobe

Bring:                   Torch + money to BYO at local pub for on-on

Hare:                   Trakka

On On:                Local Pub



Run 1729:

The trail did an early loop  and then through the dead centre of Don to a Master Check on Lapthorne Close. Shortly after the walkers diverged onto their “special” trail to find their HHH. The runners headed trackside to Tatiana, Georgiana and Checkiana on their way down Steele Street. Maggie got confused by all the checks but Lantern saved the day when he sighted reflective flour near a roundabout. Dint thought he would go for a “splash”, but he couldn’t find any trail.

A  convivial on-on was enjoyed in Lantern’s warm shed with the added comfort of a Mattress. Proxy Assistant Deputy Lip Trakka conducted the “downs”. Maggie was hesitant to let go of the hub, so was awarded the trophy for another week. Well done Maggie.

Thanks Lantern.







August 1, 2014

Run 1729

When:                  Monday 4th August @ 1830 for 1845 get away

Where:                 Lantern’s Shed, Stony Rise Road, Devonport (near intersection Lawrence Drive)

Bring:                  $15 plus torch

Hare:                   Guardsvan

On On:                Guardsvan at Lantern’s Shed


Trakka is setting the following weeks run from TBA, but we need Hares to host following weeks’ runs. As I will be away from next week please liaise with Assistant Trailmaster Dint if you are able to assist.


Run 1728 was preceded by rain, wind, hail, thunder, lightning, but Crow interceded and arranged for the wild weather to abate during the run. A couple of dozen hashers walked, wunned, waded or waited. The trail was awash with flour trail well set by crow and easy to follow. Luckily a deluge decided Crow to end the outing with an HHH at Pier One. Soff was a late scratching due to the “weather”. (“Whether” he had a house when he got home!)

Celebrations ensued to for Koff’s 500th and Bastard’s 1000th run. Crow and 1080 did a great spread of tuckka and Koff received her presentation of a pewter mug and Bastard of a well wrapped and well hung bastard file on Huon Pine. The trophy maker did a fantastic job. Assistant Lip Bedpan conducted her usual lively lippery although some of the “downs” were grossly unfair!! Also it was good to welcome back Smog and Noddi for the occasion.

Thanks Crow and 1080. From what I remember it was a great time had by all.









July 24, 2014

Run 1728

When:                  Monday 28th July @ 1830 for 1845 get away

Where:                 Oz Rock Inn, 10 Beach Road, Ulverstone

What:                      Celebratory Run commemorating Bastard’s 1000th Run and Koff’s 500th Run

Bring:                  $15 plus torch (of course Bastard & Koff are freebies)

Hare:                   Crow

On On:                1080s place


Run 1727 aroused 13 hashers to Penguin for a mission. But the trail did not go up Mission Hill! (not even a false trail which we did try to find). Triple Top, Bedpan and Thrust arrived and joined trail after all the hard work had been  done by Trailblazers Crow and Maggie. Their lame excuse was they couldn’t find the start! Bedpan shed her Onecees en route so to speak. Maggie stopped to assist – Thrust says he had a torch for her, but somehow it fell of the top of his boxcar’s roof. I am confused!

Great on-on with pork-on-roll followed by extra hot apple crumble. Bedpan composed herself in time for her usual excellent lippery. Somehow she finished up with the hub.

Thanks Bastard and Pioneer.




July 15, 2014

Run 1727

When:                  Monday 21st July @ 1830 for 1845 get away

Where:                 Lions Park, Surf Club Road, Penguin

Bring:                  $15 plus torch

Hare:                   Bastard

On On                 Pioneer’s Place


Run 1726 – A Taste of Bedpan

A pack of 16 started on the 8km trek under a moonlit sky. Six completed the endurance run which encompassed The Hillcrest – Don area. Excellent trail with plenty of flour.

The on-on ensued with a chicken salad preceding Oxtail Soup and Rice, followed by Custard Tart.

As well as being the hare, host and pussy lover, Bedpan controlled (?) the lipperary in commanding fashion.

Well done Bedpan!!




July 9, 2014

Quatorze Juillet - Bastille Day

When:                 Monday 14th July @ 1830 for 1845 get away
Where:                11A Percy Street, Devonport (opposite Morse Place)
Bring:                  $15 plus torch
Hare:                   Bedpan
On On:                Bedpan’s 

Dress:  Come as your favourite frog (and don't jump in Bedpan's pond!)

Run 1724 – Dawdle around Devonport.
12 Hashers followed copious amounts of flour around central Devonport. No false trails – no Master Checks. All hashers returned before 1930 keen to get to Molly Malones for a Nose Bag. But, alas, acting proxy deputy Lip Crow insisted conducting some downs before we were allowed to head to the pub to join Killer and Plunger.

July 3, 2014

Run 1725

When:                  Monday 7th July @ 1830 (note: late comers catered for)
Where:                 Rooke St Council Carpark (NW Corner) near Molly Malones
Bring:                  Enough money to BYO at Molly Malones
Hare:                   Guardsvan
On On                 Molly Malones (Lipperary in car park – weather permitting)

Run Report 1724:

In Thrust we trust and follow flour we must! That was our briefing. All was fine until we had gone about 50 metres. Then we found (didn’t find) the trail that had been devoured by the Wally Roos. Thank goodness for Poxy with his Dutch navigation skills, came across what looked like the remains of a Master Check. The call of “Master Check” had Hashers appearing from every direction with torches a-blazing.
Onwards we trekked until we found the HHH for the walkers. Then the serious hashing began. At first a pack of seven, then a pack of four, then a pack of two, bravely pressed onwards The Eagle Machine was in full power with more calls than the share market. Eventually we found the HHH at the foot of The Dude in the Nude. Great timing Thrust, the SPOT was just going past. Eagle said we will go Parker. GV said something that rhymed with that. Now there was a pack of one as the Eagle Machine powered onwards.
Eventually the last of the pack of one arrived back at 2030 hrs to a great On-On with a lipperary well handled by Assistant Lip Bedpan..

Thank you and well done Thrust (and Triple Top), a challenging run and a delectable On-On.


June 24, 2014

Run 1724

When:                 Monday 30th  June @ 1845 ish
Where:                64 Surrey Street, Devonport
Bring:                  $15 plus torch and warm clothes
Hare:                   Thrust
On On:                as above

Run Report 1723:


June 17, 2014

Run 1723

When:                  Monday 23rd  June @ 1845 ish

Where:                 103 William St., Forth

Bring:                    $15 plus torch

Hare:                     Guardsvan

On On:                  Sure thing!

Run 1722

Fourteen hair-brained hashers gathered at The Mersey Yacht Club in their endeavour to out-wit Hare Dint. What a task! Anyway off we went to explore where the Boganvilliers grow. It was too dark to see any but we were sure they were  there.
We struck more falsies than the Gay Mardi Gras as the trail weaved through the Boganville fitness track. Here we found where the walkers were to head home and the runners dispersed in all directions, except Crow. The pace was on as we tried to keep up with Thrust, except Crow. A circuitous route through the Boganvilliers found the HHH, except Crow. It was all down-hill on the way home. The pack split as a two-some forged ahead and the remainder followed. Except Crow.
Great run (and walk) Dint! Enjoyed by all, except Crow.

The On-On at Koff’s Kitchen was a five course degustation menu. We were all dis-gustated! Sorry Koff, I have told an untruth. It was great tucka!

Once upon a time when hash was hash we used to have sausages and cardboard hamburgers with a slice of dry bread. On special occasions we would have tomato sauce..... and then along came Koff. The rest is (nearly) history.

Thank you Dint and Koff.


June 11, 2014

Run No 1722



When:                  Monday 16th  June @ 1845 ish

Where:                 Mersey Yacht Club, East Devonport

Bring:                    $15 plus torch

Hare:                     Dint

On On:                  Koff’s Place



Run 1721 was Eagley anticipated by the assembled hashers of a baker’s dozen. The streets of Badlands were roamed by the pack with local mayor Dint giving us the low down of where and how to go. Boner left the pack for a few minutes at an unknown building. He came out shouting “it’s a boy, it’s boy!!”. He’s not going back there again! Maggie was his usual “make your own rules” self as he called a Master Check because he was stuffed and the rest of the pack was “hashing” elsewhere..  The “on home” for the walkers was identified with FOH which must be some nautical term which us non-nautical types didn’t understand. The running pack of 4 continued for what seemed to be of mammoth proportions. (We didn’t see any mother moths!) Eventually we arrived “home” at 2000 bells.


We shared Eagle’s Vices in his man cave and Nest served up  sumptuous tucka that was followed by a convivial lippery. (how do you spell that?)  Crow was complaining of a crook back and not to be outdone Dint had a crook gut.


Thank you Eagle and Nest.


On On!



June 8, 2014



VENUE: Risdon Brook Dam Risdon Vale
START TIME: 6.30 pm
HARES: Dumb, Dumber & Dumbest
RUNS: A Walk and Run will be set.
COST: $20.00 per head food & grog. All money collected will be paid to the Cancer Council of Tasmania for use in Tasmania. Run fees will be collected by Feathers and Musicman. (Hash Cash H4)

MELBOURNE Poonce will be present on the CUP: night to collect donations.

PS. Southern Water have allowed the Hashers to remain in the Risdon Brook Dam until 9.30 on that night. The gates normally close at 8.30 pm.

June 3, 2014

Run 1721

When:                  Monday 9th  June @ 1845ish

Where:                 David St, East Devonport (‘tween Torqay Rd & John St)

Bring:                    $15 plus torch and sense of humour

Hare:                     Bald Eagle

On On:                  Eagles Nest Restaurant.


Run 1720 was well attended with the pack of 14ish pounding the pavement to the first Master Check at Horsehead Creek. From here things took a turn (for the worse) as we went up Dale and down Hill over terrain a caterpillar tractor could not traverse. Of course some of the wankers short cut the meticulously set trail, but as usual the running pack showed dedication (and stupidity) and followed trail right back to the finish. The pack(s) then headed to Tinsel’s for Hot Tomato Soup

(I mean hot!) followed by Big Dogs, Little Dogs and Calender.


A good night was had by all. Thanks be to you Trackka and Tinsel.


On On!




June 1, 2014

Next Week's Run No.1720

When:                  Monday 2nd June @ 1845ish
Where:                 Roberts Car Park, Formby Road. (Just under bridge)
Bring:                    $15 plus torch and sense of humour
Hare:                     Trakka
On On:                  At Tinsel’s Place

Run 1719 was a Fitter and Turner affair.... or maybe that should read Un-fitter at Turners Beach affair. Maggie set a great dough trail within the nooks and crannies of this much sought after location. Again a dismal performance by the walkers who in unison decided to short-cut their trail. But the brave runners battled the elements of rain, hail and sleet to complete their assigned task.

Maggie hosted the on-on at his future beachside residence. Nutritious and tasty tucka was consumed by the pack. What a superb cook. Maggie wouldn’t say who the chef was!

On ya Maggie!!

May 24, 2014

Highland Fling 2014

Och, 'tis only a few weeks until we get to air out our kilts (and the wee bits 'neath).
We know that a Highland Fling weekend is priceless, but we've put a price on it anyway!  The cost for the main part of the weekend is $90, which covers two runs and on ons, shared accommodation (Saturday night), two course meal, breakfast, badge and special Fling gift.  Even though this represents a bargain, you're a canny Chardonnay hasher and qualify for a discount, meaning that you only need pay $75! (Or $55 if you are camping.)
We need to have all the registration fees in before the Fling, so ask that you settle up with the Hash Cashiers over the next couple of weeks.
IMPORTANT BIT: if you are intending to stay at the hotel on Friday night or Sunday night, we need to know as soon as possible.  The cost, per night, is $25 per person.  We will need to release the unused rooms back to the hotel shortly, so please let Growler or Pole Dancer know this week if you want an extra night or two.
What you need to bring:
- kilt
- drinking vessel of choice
- singing voice
- dancing shoes
- plenty of warm clothing (it WILL snow*)
- money for drinks (Saturday night)
- food for any time before the trail on Saturday and after Sunday's on on
What you don't need to bring:
- bed linen
Please contact us by return email or get hold of us on Thursday night if you have any questions (answers may vary, depending on level of intoxication).
On-y on!
Chris Miss and Grizzly
* non-core promise

May 22, 2014

Upcuming Hash

When: Monday 26th May at 6.45pm

Where: Maggie’s Place, 1 Crosby St., Turners Beach

Bring: Yourself, a torch and $15.


Run Report from last Monday.


The goodly pack assembled at Furner’s Car Park at Ulverrock. There pack split into walkers, runners and Crow.


Hare Flasher decided to take us “Roundabout” and through the “Tunnels of Love”. (Actually tunnels of noise as Dint unceremoniously polluted the orifices with the Hash Horn)


The walkers encountered to HHH at the first tunnel and the runners at the second. The runner’s pack became worried sick when they lost crow en “root”. We were relieved to find him when we returned.


Maggie did his usual trick and decided we should avoid a 1000mm   incline on the way home and decided to run an extra 200 metres as this would save on energy expended.


Don’t know why as we consumed 1000s of calories at the On On at The Great Pizza Feast at The Red Grasshopper.


Thanks Flasher for a good run and on-on.



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