Last Monday's Antarctic-themed (or at least it seemed that way)
combined run with Lunar Hash rated on a score out of 10, about the
same as the temperature (about 4).
To say it was fucking freezing would be an understatement.
Only the truly brave and fearless Hashers tackled the trail (of which
there was none).
After Tracker informed the assembled DH3 Hashers and Loonies (of which
there were none, apart from Devonport Hashers), he had been too
busy/lazy to set a trail, we set off into the darkness for a short run
and an even shorter walk before adjourning to Mackay's for a much
anticipated pub meal.
Despite our best efforts and attempts to bribe the waitress, Bastard
wasn't served last, although it looked as though he would be for a
She did manage to drop four plates and their contents on the floor,
but unfortunately. Bastard's meal was not one of them.
Squandering his new-found retirement funds, Poxie lashed out on an
entree and not satisfied with the main meal, Dint (with Koff's help),
Cheeze and Crow also demolished a dessert or three.
Next week's run will be at Cheeze's place – details below.
Bring a torch, $15 and any scraps left over from last week for the dogs.
On, On – Dint
When: Monday 17th August @ 18:30 for 18:45 get away
Where: Amherst St, West Ulverstone
Bring: Torch + $15 for on-on
Hare: Cheeze
On On: Cheeze