If you haven’t registered your interest, do so NOW by calling Black Tracka on 0419 442 220.
Oz Rock Inn, Beach Road Ulverstone.
R*n, Wa*k, Cycle, Motorcycle.
Saturday August 2nd, 2pm sharp.
Hash cash: just $50 gets you
le weekend extraordinaire!

Beer Bitch PB gives “The Look” after being vexatiously awarded the Hub at Bald Eagle’s run. Her glare bored a hole through 40mm plate steel, deeply singed the concrete floor, and killed every blade of grass within a 5 km radius. Cheese, the object of her displeasure, was strangely unaffected.
It was a cold mother of a night, with Tracka offering around anti-freeze in the guise of an Absinthe bottle. A pack of 25 or so ran/walked in a chequer pattern across
14/07/08 Bastard Adina Court, Penguin
21/07/08 Bald Eagle
28/07/08 Guardsvan 103 William Street,
On On
Devonport Hashers need to be made aware of the responsibilities of major office bearers.
GRAND MASTER - Only a figure head. Does nothing!
JOINT MASTERS - These guys are responsible for organising major Devonport Hash functions etc. including AGM.
TRAIL MASTER - is responsible for securing run list in advance. Not week to week. This gives the hare some time to think about the run he/she has to set.
(Senior Old Fart Hasher)
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