Run No 1456 - 04/05/2009 - Tracka from Bluff Carpark
1457 - 11/05/2009 - Need someone
1458 - 18/05/2009 - Cheese
1459 - 25/05/2009 - Bald Eagle
April 28, 2009
April 20, 2009
Dildo Award 09

Poxy's run went off without a drop of rain. We ran to the Mersey River light-house and made a dash back to the on-on for a feast. Pioneer and PB were responsible for a three course meal starting with a choice of two soups for starters, some great curry and other dishes, some from Crow's kitchen, followed by a selection of freshly baked scones... all washed down nicely with a few ales and wines.

And oh, by the way, the main event: Who had been in possession of the mystery prize for the most desirable and sexy Harriette in our club. The actual winner, Prickle, kept on evading him long enough for the wrapped up mystery prize to start getting smelly in his car. It became a matter of urgency to award it. An executive decision was made and the prize was awarded to the second most desirable Harriette; Dyke. And so Dyke had the honour of receiving, and hence unwrapping the mystery prize which, many moons ago, was purchased and probably tested by Shove-it at an undisclosed location.
The run was just under 5 kilometers. Go on, mouse around on the map below...
Oh, you want to know what the Mystery Prize was? Well, hard to describe really. Looked like a normal sized battery operated flash light with a large pink attachment that resembled Flasher's penis. No idea how Dyke will explain that to his mum when he has it providing pink mood-lighting in his lounge. And no, it does not vibrate (but given the size of the thing there would probably be a law against that).
Next run, 27 April, at the Mersey Yacht Club compliments of Dint.
April 19, 2009
Highland Fling 2009
Before you get too excited a reminder for our next run: April 20th, Monday 6.30pm: Poxy and PB, Eugene Street, Devonport. Don’t forget your torch and probably an umbrella as Poxy's run are best run in rain... OK, you can now read on about the HL fling '09:

9th Highland Fling. Update no.1
When - June 5 (Friday) - June 7 (Sunday)
Where - Great Lake Hotel, 3096 Marlborough Hwy, Miena 7030 Ph (03) 6259 8163
How do I get there
Drive towards the big bit of water in the centre of the island or alternatively, have a look at Google Maps.

9th Highland Fling. Update no.1
When - June 5 (Friday) - June 7 (Sunday)
Where - Great Lake Hotel, 3096 Marlborough Hwy, Miena 7030 Ph (03) 6259 8163
How do I get there
Drive towards the big bit of water in the centre of the island or alternatively, have a look at Google Maps.
Cost - $ 65 (Saturday accommodation only) , additional nights ie Friday & Sunday $ 20 per night
What do I get
- Badge and Gift
- Probably a Piss Stop
- Gourmet BBQ or sausages in bread dependant on Tucker F*ckers
- Some extra drinks
- 2 course Dinner (Buy ya own drinks)
- Bed on Saturday night, piece of floor or someone else’s bed
- Optional Nude Run Sunday breakfast (cook ya own)
- Full Moon/Recovery Run Sunday 11.30am – BBQ & some drinks
What time do I have to be there – Saturday 12 noon registration for 1.30pm Run
What else
- Run only Saturday ie no Accommodation or dinner $ 25
- Run only Sunday $ 15
- Camp/Caravan Sites are available for $20 per night. You will need to contact Kaylee - 6259 8163 at the hotel to arrange this as this will need to be paid to them direct. Cost of Saturday will reduce to $45 if you avail yourself of this option.
When do I need to book and pay
- Deposit of $20 per person to Hash Cash by April 23, 2009
- Balance to be paid by May 28, 2009
- If you have not paid by this date you cannot cum.
What do I need to bring
- Food and Drinks for - Friday night, Saturday breakfast, Sunday night
- Kilt and any other Scottish paraphernalia you can think of (Glenfiddich, Lagavulan, Tennants Lager etc.)
- Runners (shoes)
- Cash for Saturday night drinks
- Torch – don’t want to get lost in the dark and end up in the wrong room by mistake
Other clothing (optional) - Snow Shoes
- Video camera for later extortion attempts
What don’t I need to bring - First aid kit for injuries running on rocks
For more information or queries contact your friendly JMs Sweet FA or Pole
Dancer: POLE DANCER 0408310339 SWEET FA 0408196486
April 13, 2009
Next Run at Poxy and PBs
Next run at Poxys in Cambridge Ct, Devonport, off Eugene Street...
Guardsvan's Run was well set, but the fact the good crowd drank less than a case of stubbies (and a few cans I suppose) was most disappointing. Especially disappointing considering half the Burnie crew showed up and Puss in Boots from Launy (who incidentally drank her fair share, to be fair).
You can click and drag the map and use the wheel to zoom in and out:
,I didnt quite run to the end, as I was fooled into believing there was nothing further up the road... and I had coughed enough for one night:
April 12, 2009
Up and Cummin....
Swapped with Burnie's On-sex in exchange for copyrighted pictures....
- April 13th, Easter Monday 6.30pm—Devonport H3—This week’s r*n set by Guardie from the Forth Recreation Ground. Bring $10, Hub,odd socks, Hot Cross Spicy Bunnies, fluffy bottom, “Life of Brian” DVD,and extra drinks if you are a pisshead. Daylight savings now finished, so don’t forget your torch!!!!
- April 20th, Monday—H5 AGPU@ the Philip Smith Centre, 2 Edward Street, Glebe.
- May 1st-3rd, 2009, Fri-Sun — Aussie Nash Hash @ Cairns registrations now $350 Get off your arse and register if you are cumming. Some vacancies left for the Hamersley men’s lunch at an over-inflated price. If you are attending, don’t forget to order your Tassie 2011 bid shirt from Dini by April14th
- May 23rd, Saturday—”Bone Idol”, a karaoke quasi-spectacular for the Burnie Hash AGPU, this year live on stage at Ratchet and Knickers’ place, 1054 Isandula Road, Gawler. Campers welcome, soundproof canvas recommended. See in the new Cummittee to the tunes of “Red, Red Whine” and “Twist in my Sobriety”. Get out your best big hair.
- June 6-8th, 2009—The Highland Fling @ Great Lake Hotel, Miena. Ochaye.. Genuine Hash Hunting Kilts now selling @ Hashspace
- June 21st, 2009—Burnie Hash House Harriers 1000th R*n— it’s bound to be a long night…
- July 25-26th 2009—Burnie HHH Waratah Wild West Weekend
- August 15-16, 2009—Devonport H3 Tour de Pisse @TBA
- September 9th, 2009—Global Harriettes R*n @ various locations
- October 17th-18th, 2009—Burnie Hash’s Burnie Ten weekend.\
- July 1-4, 2010—Sarawak Rainforest Interhash @ Kuching, Borneo.
And don't forget: 'Sex is like air. It's not that important unless you aren't getting any'.
ed. But it is amazing/excruciating how long you can hold your breath and still live...
April 9, 2009
Giggles' Easter R*n
For those Thinking Drinking Devonport Hashers searching for meaning in life sooner than Monday night….
This week's Burnie Hash trail departs from Giggles' house at Loongana Place in the heart of Somerset - it's a small street and I can't remember what number - look for the silver Toorak Tractor with the hash foot on the back, parked in the driveway.
Meet at 3 pm, Sunday April 12th for car pooling to the actual r*n start, rumoured to be up Calder Road, but not at Giggs parents house. Bring Easter supplies - Big Ears, Fluffy Bottom , shiny eggs, spicy buns. Hat, mug, joke, $10 and raffle coinage.
All welcome! Crucifixions available on request.
On On
Poxy web-wanker and Shadowy Figure in training - just in case the real one forgot to do his job this week...which he did!!
This week's Burnie Hash trail departs from Giggles' house at Loongana Place in the heart of Somerset - it's a small street and I can't remember what number - look for the silver Toorak Tractor with the hash foot on the back, parked in the driveway.
Meet at 3 pm, Sunday April 12th for car pooling to the actual r*n start, rumoured to be up Calder Road, but not at Giggs parents house. Bring Easter supplies - Big Ears, Fluffy Bottom , shiny eggs, spicy buns. Hat, mug, joke, $10 and raffle coinage.
All welcome! Crucifixions available on request.
On On
Poxy web-wanker and Shadowy Figure in training - just in case the real one forgot to do his job this week...which he did!!
April 7, 2009
Bastard's in the Dark
Bastard and virgin co-hare A Doodle Doo amply floured the Penguin streets on the first Daylight-Wasting-Time r*n of 2009. From an icy carpark at Hiscutt Park, the walkers and r*nners found their way on a well set trail to torch-lit Masterchecks on Mission Hill and later the Dead Centre. Last MC was atop the Knoll, where Tinsel learnt lots of local goss by reading the picnic table graffiti. Go to evidently.
NSW visitor Wipeout came back for another holiday but thankfully couldn’t match his last DH3 experience of broken bones, blood loss and 5 weeks on crutches. After a busy circle, Poxy Hash Lip Cheese groped around blindly for someone else to give the Hub to, but in the end it was just too easy to give it back to Dint. Mable pretended he could read by delivering a very good joke whilst holding a piece of paper. A Doodle Doo, all boned up for her holiday in Asia, showed Flasher her specially trained Kicking Box and he was, unusually, lost for words.
April 5, 2009
Montezuma Falls HOFT weekend
Find more photos like this on HashSpace
Dinis photos above (yes, I had Flasher's here... Flasher's are now <here> now for the HashSpacers). My photos are <below>!
Safely back from our adventure I can now report that all survived and that Flasher has redeemed himself. Well, as for the walk itself he has redeemed himself. He did make the necessary stuff ups of course, but that was probably just to maintain his reputation... the same reputation he is trying to shake.
Anyway, all punters showed up exactly at the right time for a timely departure. Even Dyke came on time, knowing firsthand what the torture of waiting for late friends feels like - see recent mini HOFT report.
At Roseberry bakery we caught up with the shoddy Launy contingent who arrived in various states of sobriety, especially one, Tiles, who rebelled so much at the sight of coffee that he had to dispose of it by exploding it all over PhayWray. The walk to the falls was as promised. Gentle and scenic, complete with an unlit spider infested mine-shaft, plenty of fungus and even a leech! The falls provided us with viewing pleasures. Despite the falls everybody was busy taking photos of each other as we ate and drank alcoholic beverages. Tiles, now suffering from DTs as he departed with only one beer on the trail, tried to dispose of GoneAgain's liquor stash by liberally sprinkling it on the nearby vegetation. Maybe he should've tried it first. Other tourists were scared and hastily retreated trying not to show fear or revolt – after Dyke expressed his desire to fell a huge tree to enhance the view. Ten points for tactics.
Flasher ensured that every potentially serene moment in the rainforest was hijacked by a musical interruption with his WB anthem – thanks Dini for giving him the battery operated toys. All battery operated toys, whether it emits noise or good vibrations ought to be banned in Hash, we do a good enough job ourselves.
Puss in Boots tried to rescue the one leech and lovingly cared for it for 45 minutes before dropping it on the trail where it would surely be stepped on. Down downs were had by all and we soon made our way to Queenstown to sort out our accommodation. A night of pool, loud music and interesting locals followed the pub dinner, and the evening culminated in impromptu pre-bed drinks in the party room; Tiles's room. GoneAgain was evicted earlier from said room and was lovingly accepted as a lost stray by Giggles (with an S). Dyke had pleasant dreams of the lesbian inclined local women that helped us win at pool by distracting their men using their oozing sexuality (oozing soon turned into vomiting for one of the poor darls when she went for a smoko outside).
Breakfast was served at a respectable time thanks to the timely end of Eastern Australian Summer Time. The cooked breaky with instant coffee was included in the price of $50 per room which turned out to really mean $50 per person. Flasher re-negotiated and re-clarified the room-rate and we were graciously given the favourable flat rate of $35 per person, which the owner seemed to think would surely put him into bankruptcy – despite the fact we ate and drank there all last night. Smeg thought the double room he was in was free and escaped the scene still drunk before dawn. Incidentally Smeg totally missed the HOFT as he had to drive around Tasmania a couple of times and only arrived after dinner...
After a walk around rainy Queenstown we made our way to Nelson Falls, half an hour further South,before heading back to Tullah for lunch. Draughts and chess, beer and coffee, and on to the Moose Farm for footy...
GoneAgain---- Mr Gone Again to you!
Puss in Boots tried to rescue the one leech and lovingly cared for it for 45 minutes before dropping it on the trail where it would surely be stepped on. Down downs were had by all and we soon made our way to Queenstown to sort out our accommodation. A night of pool, loud music and interesting locals followed the pub dinner, and the evening culminated in impromptu pre-bed drinks in the party room; Tiles's room. GoneAgain was evicted earlier from said room and was lovingly accepted as a lost stray by Giggles (with an S). Dyke had pleasant dreams of the lesbian inclined local women that helped us win at pool by distracting their men using their oozing sexuality (oozing soon turned into vomiting for one of the poor darls when she went for a smoko outside).
Breakfast was served at a respectable time thanks to the timely end of Eastern Australian Summer Time. The cooked breaky with instant coffee was included in the price of $50 per room which turned out to really mean $50 per person. Flasher re-negotiated and re-clarified the room-rate and we were graciously given the favourable flat rate of $35 per person, which the owner seemed to think would surely put him into bankruptcy – despite the fact we ate and drank there all last night. Smeg thought the double room he was in was free and escaped the scene still drunk before dawn. Incidentally Smeg totally missed the HOFT as he had to drive around Tasmania a couple of times and only arrived after dinner...
After a walk around rainy Queenstown we made our way to Nelson Falls, half an hour further South,before heading back to Tullah for lunch. Draughts and chess, beer and coffee, and on to the Moose Farm for footy...
GoneAgain---- Mr Gone Again to you!
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