December 23, 2007

Hash Adjourned for Christmas

Hash has been adjourned for the next two Mondays...
Feel free to run on your own.


December 19, 2007

December 18, 2007

Devonport Hash House Harrier Xmas

Here are some pics of the night. No explanations necessary.

Soon to be made into a full length movie of debauchery...

December 13, 2007

Christmas Run Bus Pickup Details

Monday 17 December 2007

6.15pm Penguin Dial Road overpass (Northern side)
6.30 Ulverstone Gunns Mitre 10
6.45 Turners Beach Near the overpass on the highway
7.00 Devonport Gunns Mitre 10
7.15 Forth near Forth Pub

Please be on time

Bald Eagle

December 10, 2007

Thrusters Run

This is at least part of the run... 4.4kms!

Cheese found a circle check!

Truck and TF were named today (TF stands for Truck F#ck$r). Truck was also offered a down down for 1 consecutive run, one more for 1 being reversible,... and a few more frivolous ones after she declared she'd rather show her t@ts than down a beer.



Dinis HOFT Pics

HOFT scramble

We had it all: sand, sun, rain, wind, grass seeds and burrs, climbs, rocks, deep grass, snakes and roos...
The pleasant beach walk to Shearwater was a bit of an epic, but we made it all. Some of us straglers had to get a lift with bit-of-this for the final 3 kms on road, but Dogshit & partner still had to run at the end when we hit the trail again! Beer and food was our reward.

More photos coming from Dini...


Oh, and here is the map. It was 28 kilometers (I started my gadget a little past the start) till we hit the road at Hawleys (where I ran out of batteries...), and we walked an average of 4.9 km/hr, and the hills did not go over 30m in altitude.

Incidentally, the gadget is the Nokia N95 phone. The beach photo above was also taken with it! It is a5megapix camera, it takes decent film footage too and plugs directly into the TV for viewing! Also navigates my way around town when I get lost, with maps for the entire world free to download and update anytime. The downside is that for all these features it consumes a lot of power and the batteries do not last more then a day, and when using the GPS only about 4 hours!

Check it out at CNET or Myshopping.

December 7, 2007

Update from Grizzly

  • Hobart's H5 will be celebrating its 1400th run on Monday 17th December, coinciding with its JMs Christmas Run. The run starts at 6:30pm from the Hobart Regatta Pavilion, Lower Domain and will cost $30. The theme is 'mixed fruit' and everyone must bring a $5 pressie for Santa.

  • Launceston Hash House Harriers will be celebrating its 30th anniversary with a commemorative run on Thursday 28th February 2008. The run will be set by one of the original Gang of Five members, Neil 'Derbs' Derbyshire at its original location in Legana (Launceston). More details closer to the date.


Ho ho ho

Good old K.B.Wilson classic...

Hash Emails at DHASH.COM

All of us who have email can now be reached with the DHASH.COM emails. In case you have not registered yet any email addressed to you at will come to GoneAgain who will find out your email and set it up immediately.

So those slackers who have not provided me with their email do so ASAP by filling in <THIS FORM> or emailing!

December 6, 2007



WHEN: 9th December 2007 at 11am
WHERE: Start at DINT & KOFF’S PLACE (Church St East Devonport)
DESTINATION: Shearwater Resort via Morelands beach and Hawley.
DISTANCE: A fair way – should take about 4 to 4.5 hours.

DETAILS: A couple of refreshments and a possible meal at resort after finish.

Transport provided back from Shearwater after finish.

December 4, 2007

Receding Hareline

  • 10/12/07 Thrust 66 Turners Beach Rd Turners Beach (bring a chair)
  • 17/12/07 Crow Christmas At Oz Rock Inn (more details later)
  • 07/01/08 TBA

On On

Bald Eagle

Smith and Others Road

Dint's Muddy Run

6.9 Kilometers of good old clean mud. I averaged a remarkable 7.8km/hr average which is not as remarkable as my maximum recorded speed of 37.6 km/hr which may well have been when I tried to catch up to Thrust to return her lost property (not fast enough, but I managed to return her property during the circle). The elevation gain was a tame 67 meters approximately, topping out at 173.5 m.

More info <here>!


November 27, 2007

Bald Eagles Nest

Here you go, run report above!

Vital stats:
Distance: A record 13.9 kilometers (OK, I did not turn my gizmo off after the run and this includes the drive to East Devonport...)
Highest point: Up on Dooleys Hill 82.5 meters above sea-level.

On on

PS Don't forget to email me, or click <here> and I will give you a hashname email at!

Next run 03/12/07

The run on 03/12/07 will be set by Dint at Smith and Others Road, Sassafras. Follow signs from the highway.

On On will be at Parramatta Creek.

The Christmas run will be on 17th . Details later.

Bald Eagle

November 20, 2007


Cheese did a good job; the concrete block was a master stroke, and Dint makes a superb villain.

On On


November 19, 2007

Soff Run

Pictures are worth a thousand words....

Good run, great food. Even Burnie HHH runners managed to keep up with us athletes today! Burnie whimps had to discard 90% of their down downs before downing them, but hey, their loss! And with Bit-a-this I guess it wouldn't mix well with her Guinness in any case...

Thrust tried to get the floor, but sat there being ignored till the last possible down down...

Cheese did a fantastic lip for the night, just like every other 52 nights he did, we'll miss the bastard's performance. He sure raised the bar for the next lip!

Next run (26/11/07) at Bell's Parade in Latrobe but Bald Eagle will no doubt put out a new hare line shortly....

On on

November 8, 2007

Thank you for nominating!

Your nomination will be assessed by a contracted Adviser against the main eligibility criteria and against criteria specified by our preferred alcohol sponsors. Your preference will then be assessed in comparison with other applicants, based on personal attributes. In some cases, you may be required to re-nominate your original choices.

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Thank you for helping stimulate Prickles!

And boy does she need stimulating!

Your message of support will be beamed across to her at the next satellite hookup. The calls are brief and kept to a pre-organised format, due to call costs etc.

Back to <click here>

November 7, 2007

Receding Hareline

  • 12/11/07 Bastard Dial Road, Penguin (just past MotoX track)
  • 19/11/07 Soff 40 Esplanade, Turners Beach

On On

Bald Eagle

October 30, 2007

Lantern's bright light

For a Tasmania's first, here we have Lantern's run mapped out.
We started this run with a bus ride to our starting point at 231m. We navigated the wet and muddy terrain and descended down to 57 meters. The run was 5.23 kilometers (I took no shortcuts for the record!), it took us just on 45 minutes of running (not counting circle checks). Average speed (now we are getting personal) was 6.8km/hr, but, wait for it, my maximum speed was officially recorded as 39 km/hr (Kathy Freeman would've been left in the dust).


October 26, 2007

Dint's run

Poxy and PB putting in the hard yards...

This run weighed in at 6.3 kilometers and from a 3m above sea level start ascended to the dizzying height of 68 meters above sea level on Middle Road:

October 23, 2007

October 18, 2007

Receding Hareline

22/10/07            Dint                              Devonport Mini Golf

29/10/07            Lantern                         168 Stoney Rise Road Devonport

05/11/07            Flasher                         118 Upper Maude Street Ulverstone

12/11/07            Bastard                         TBA

On On

Bald Eagle

October 15, 2007

Receding Hareline

15/10/07            Tracka              Coles Beach Devonport ( carpark near toilets)


On On

Bald Eagle

October 3, 2007

Receding Hareline

08/10/07            Black Tracka     Henry Somerset Conservation Area (on Railton Road between Latrobe and Railton)


On On



September 17, 2007

Receding Hareline

17/09/07            Crow                             Oz Rock Inn

24/09/07            Plunger                         Corner of Trevor & James Streets Ulverstone

01/10/07            Bald Eagle                    Bells Parade Latrobe


On On

Bald Eagle

September 6, 2007

GoneAgain and Thrust cycling in Croatia

Thrust caught up with the Great COFE for CF team in Vienna at the Renaissance Hotel where the team was having refreshments. Thrust fitted right in. The next day she rode a bike out of Vienna! Since then she has come with the COFE to Budapest and now we are in Croatia on our way to Belgrade. Read all about it <here>


PS. Save us a T-shirt for the Tour de Pisse Tracka!

September 4, 2007


Slight revision to start time.

Macca’s Car Park in Burnie at 8.30am for 9am start.


On On




August 29, 2007


Proposed:         October 7th 2007           

Where:              Mt Murchison

By:                   DINT

Start:                Mc Donalds Car Park – Burnie 8:00 am


August 16, 2007

Receding Hareline

20/08/07            Plunger             Corner of Trevor &  James Streets Ulverstone

27/08/07            Tracka              98 Best Street Devonport

03/09/07            Cistern              14 Mission Hill Road Penguin

10/09/07            Poxie                3 Eugene Street Devonport


On On

Bald Eagle

August 6, 2007

Receding Hareline

06/08/07            Soff       40 Esplanade Turners Beach

13/08/07            Dint      14 Church Street East Devonport


On On

Bald Eagle

July 26, 2007


WHAT:                  Tour De Pisse (inaugural)

                                Your choice of :-               Walk, Run, Bicycle or Motor Cycle

                                Duration:                             Around 2 hours


WHO:                    Devonport Hash House Harriers

WHEN:                  15 – 16 September 2007

WHERE:                OZ Rock Inn – Ulverstone

COST:                    $50 per participant


WHAT U GET:     Refreshment before run, Walk/Run/Bicycle/Motor Cycle (as above), Refreshment during event, Refreshment after event.

                                2 course dinner and trophy presentation at 6.30pm (Refreshment at your cost), Entertainment.

                                T Shirt, recovery walk on Sunday Morning.


REPLY TO:            Tracka  (with T Shirt size)


                                Phone: 0419 442 220


ACCOMMODATION:       (at your cost)

                                                Ulverstone Caravan Park (next door)      64252624

                                                Beachway Motel (nearby)                           64252342



Proposed HOFT #5


When:                  Sunday August 26th 2007


Where:                 Meander Falls


Length:                 About 8 km with reasonable climb (4 Hours)

                                Begin at 10am – Out at 3pm.

                                On On at Latrobe.


Hare:                     Dyke


Meet At:              Mackeys Car Park (Latrobe) 8.30am


July 23, 2007

Receding Hareline Changes

23/04/07            Fab & Back Door       145 Ronald Street Devonport

30/04/07            Tracka                       Wells car park Latrobe     

July 13, 2007

Devonport Hash new member...


Fun was had by all...

Over $7000 was raised for GoneAgain at The Deck! Poxy, Mabel and Killer as well as Dini, Ringo, Lone Arranger and others were responsible for a sizeable part of this loot and deserve down-downs for sure! GoneAgain departing on 21 July:

July 3, 2007

Dini Dombrovski

HOFT #4 photos taken on the trek at Sisters Beach are now up on the Burnie H3 Flickr website (

Dini Dombrovski on top of it all...

Click here for the slideshow: <here>


09/07/07            Bastard      Adina Court Penguin

16/07/07            Mabel         33 Amherst Ulverstone

23/07/07            Tracka         Wells car park Latrobe


On On

Bald Eagle

June 21, 2007

Looking Lost

One recent night in Ulverstone. Just came off my phone-camera. And while I got your attention with this phallic, one more shameless plug for my own benefit:

All those slackers who missed out on Shrek the Third with pathetic excuses have a chance to make up for it. Come along to the three course dinner with matching wine at The Deck Cafe in Devonport at 6pm on Sunday evening 8th of July . All inclusive price of $60, includes entertainment (young talent with guitar!) and a fundraising auction! Donations for the auction still welcome! Seats filling up very fast: Call the Deck ASAP to secure a seat on 03 - 6427 7188. Visit for more info.

June 15, 2007

Tour de Pisse

After consultation with our esteemed provider of fine foods and refreshments we now propose that the inaugural

TOUR de PISSE be held on weekend – September 8th 2007.

Choice of following activities:
  1. Traditional run – around 12km (for semi fit hashers)
  2. Traditional walk – around 500km (no seriously around 7km) (for semi fat hashers)
  3. Non traditional mountain bike ride – around 40km (for semi fast hashers)
  4. Non traditional motorbike ride – around 150km (for very fast hashers)

All activities to be based around Ulverstone.

More to come…………………..


June 5, 2007

Receding Hareline

  • 11/06/07 Ratchet 1054 Isandula Road (end of sealed road)
  • 18/06/07 Cistern 14 Mission Hill Road Penguin
  • 25/06/07 Killer William Street Forth
  • 02/07/07 Poxie 3 Eugene Street Devonport
  • 09/07/07 Bastard Adina Court Penguin
On On

Bald Eagle

May 28, 2007

HOFT#4 Proposal

  • Sunday 1st July 2007
  • Sisters Creek to Rocky Cape (one way only)
  • Transport provided back to Sisters Creek.
  • Refreshments – TBA


May 27, 2007


Captain Crab (closely followed by Hermit Crab) and GoneAgain fronted up to Black Tracka at The Quadrant at the unGodly time of 730am. We made our way to the start of the Black Bluff Walk and clambered up the wet steep slippery trail. Heaps of mushrooms were sighted, none were eaten. We got to the tarn way up on the trail and sighted Black Bluff. Crab nigh on fainted, goneAgain coughed at the sight but Tracka was not that easily intimidated. Hermit followed Tracka blindly, and Crab and GoneAgain followed reluctantly.

Took us 3 hours to get up there without too much stress. Coming down was slippery. Crab almost stacked when he hit an unexpected flat bit, and GoneAgain was done coughing by the time we got back to the pub to watch the Kangaroos beat Melbourne.

Photos live here:

May 24, 2007


  • When: Sunday 27th May 2007
  • Where: Black Bluff via Taylors Flats
  • Alternate: Tea Tree Lane to Hawley Shop at 10am if weather is bad
  • Meet: At Quadrant Car Park in Ulverstone at 7.30pm for an 8.45am start

On On

May 18, 2007

Receding Hareline

  • 21/05/07 CB 46A Water Street, Ulverstone
  • 28/05/07 Bald Eagle 25 Torquay Road, East Devonport
  • 04/06/07 Crow Oz Rock Inn, Ulverstone

On On
Bald Eagle

May 11, 2007

Grizzly Details...

The Burnie leg of the Global Harriettes R*n on Saturday 7th July (07.07.07) has been moved to a breakfast r*n to allow NW hashers to afro-up for the Combined Hobart Hashers Ball that same evening. More details on the GHR to come. The ball details can be found on both the Burnie and Trashmania blog sites.

In two weeks Burnie hash will be delving into the realm of trekking (Klingons on the starboard bow) with a half-day walk to Winterbrook Falls in the Leven Valley, coinciding with the HOFT (Hash Old Fart Trekkers) walk to Black Bluff from Taylors Flats. Details are sketchy at this stage, but it is hoped that the two groups will meet up at some stage, even if it is only at the pub afterwards.

Don’t forget the Highland Fling over the June long weekend, which will again be an official Burnie r*n – details on the Trashmania blog.

On on

May 7, 2007

The Great COFE for Cystic Fibrosis

Shrek the Third movie fundraiser in Devonport on June 10! Hobart on June 7. If you like to buy/sell tickets or join Poxy and Trakka to provide a door prize and get your business mentioned <here>, or just plainly donate to the cause (some of which will go to Thrust's and GoneAgain's down-downs en-route), just speak to me any time or email me on

Why not PRINT a flier for your workplace download the Hobart and Devonport posters <here>.
COFE with Shrek in Devonport

April 26, 2007


HOFT #1 – Alma Bridge to Spellmans Bridge DONE!!!

HOFT #2 – Walls of Jerusalem DONE!!!

HOFT #3 (Proposed)
When: Sunday May 27th 2007
Where: Black Bluff via Taylors flats
Length: 13.8Km (Return)
Time: 6.5 Hours
Grade: Not for wussies
Climb: 1030M

On On


April 25, 2007

Receding Hareline April-May 07

  • 23/04/07 Guardsvan Dell Luck Reserve ( near Don Railway)

  • 30/04/07 FC Stubbs Road

  • 07/05/07 Soff 40 Esplanade Turners Beach

  • 14/05/07 Thrust 66 Turners Beach Road Turners Beach

On On
Bald Eagle

April 23, 2007

New Blogging Email

We are getting a little too much spam postings now. I have changed the submission email to a new one... . If you got a good joke to share, or a car to sell (there is a heavy price for that one), you got the email to get it straight on here!

I had made a typo in the email-address earlier... Sorry, it is good now!


April 21, 2007

Hash WON! Who wants to follow up???

TICKET NUMBER:023-1111-790-458


We are pleased to inform you of the final announcement, ....

Yes we are getting more of these! Here is another great offer: <click>

April 17, 2007


ANZAC DAY – 25th April 2007
HOFT (Hash Old Fart Trekkers) adventure #2.

Where: Walls of Jerusalem (to Lake Salome & return)
  • Distance: 13.2km
  • Approx. Time: 5.5 Hours
  • Rating: Medium
  • Total Climbing: 900m

Alternate: Quamby Bluff

  • Distance: 5.8km
  • Approx. Time: 3 Hours
  • Rating: Medium
  • Total Climbing: 500m

Meet at Wenvoe Street (Devonport) Car Park at 7am.
Decision on which trek to be made on the day.


  • Good Shoes & Socks
  • Change of clothes
  • Rain jacket
  • Warm polar fleece or similar
  • Lunch and drinks for yourself
  • $$ for refreshments afterwards

On On

April 12, 2007



Monday 16th April 2007

Run now from ROCKET PARK in Ulverstone at 6.30pm with ON ON at Pioneer’s Place.

RED DRESS RUN is postponed until further notice
(All RED DRESSES were taken).


April 10, 2007

Anzac Day HOFT

Another HOFT (Hash Old Farts Trekkers) adventure.

Depending on the weather either:-
  1. Walls of Jerusalem
  2. Alternate walk nearby (still trying to find the name of the hill near Deloraine)

More details to follow!

What is HOFT: Intention is for easy to medium day walk that can be achieved by carrying only a day pack (or similar).
Starting at walk start point at around 8am (depending on start point) and back for completion by around 3.30pm to 4pm to enable a stop at a nearby pub for refreshment.

No special bushwalking gear needed (apart from good shoes/boots and socks).
All walkers are over 40 years old (sorry PB and Thrust) and are not super fit but are reasonably able to walk up to 30 - 35km in a day.

Most importantly we do this for enjoyment

Trackas BBQ at PBs

No wonder Tracka choose PBs BBQ terrace. Check it out! Is this grass in the lounge or a lounge on the grass?

Jamie Oliver eat your heart out!


Red Dress Run

Important Announcement for Next Weeks RUN 16/04/2007

This will be a first for Devonport HHH – A Red Dress RUN.Yes that’s right a RED Dress RUN.
You can choose to wear a red dress and pay another $5 for the privilege with all extra monies collected being donated to a worthwhile charity. I can’t remember the exact charity that was decided last night, but it was in honour of the 20th anniversary of the Grim Reaper.

If you choose not to wear a red dress you will feel left out, not part of the crowd, etc. Red Dress Runs have been part of Hash Lore for quite a while and are always used as a fundraiser for worthwhile charities. So come on – drag out those red cocktail dresses and put them on for this occasion. (Ladies can even wear red dresses as well).

Run starts from Hiscutt park in Penguin at Windmill.

On On.

March 29, 2007

Changes to Receding Hareline

  • 02/04/07 Poxie at PB’s house
  • 09/04/07 Tracka at 98 Best Street
  • 16/04/07 Bastard at Pioneer’s house
  • 23/04/07 Guardsvan TBA


Bald Eagle

March 22, 2007

Receding Hareline

Runs for 26/03/07 and 2/04/07 as per previous posting

  • 09/04/07 Poxie at PB’s house
  • 16/04/07 Bastard at Pioneer’s house
  • 23/04/07 Guardsvan TBA

On On

Bald Eagle

March 21, 2007

Receding Hareline March-April 07

  • 26/03/2007 Dint Argosy Carpark – East Devonport (bring a torch – daylight savings ended)
  • 2/04/2007 Tracka 98 Best Street Devonport (bring a torch, wine tasting available also)
  • 09/04/2007 FK This is Easter Monday.
  • 16/04/2007 TBA TBA

On On


March 19, 2007

Burnie H3 AGPU and R*n 888

The Joint Masters - after weeks of deliberation, consultation and procrastination - have declared that this year’s Burnie HHH AGPU will have TWO themes… Country AND Western!

Yee and Haw (aka Ringo and Urang) will be presenting the

Golden Gut-Arse Awards

on Saturday 14th April 2007 from the Tumworth c*untry music hall (otherwise known as the shed at the back of King Kommunications, North Terrace, Burnie)

The evening starts with R*n 888 starting at 6:30 from the car park at the (country and) western end of (C*unt and) West Beach, followed by a nose bag and the Golden Gut-Arse awards ceremony

$25 will get you a three course meal, some grog*, a badge, (?)entertainment and the world-famous BH3 Anal Report

Money to Phay Ray or Dini by Sunday 1st April (that’s not an April Fool joke)

* hash bucket and some wine available - BYO drink of choice for a big night out


March 18, 2007

A message from your Sponsors....

Dear Beloved in Christ,

It is by the grace of God that I received Christ,having known the truth,I
had no choice than to do what is lawful and right
in the sight of God for eternal life and in the sight of man for witness of
God & his mercies and glory upon my life.

I am Mrs.Sheila Johnson the wife of Mr Harold Johnson,my husband worked
with the Chevron/Texaco in Kenya for twenty
years before he died in the year2001.We were married for ten years without
a child.My Husband died after a brief illness that
lasted for only four days.

Before his death we were both born again Christians.

Since his death I decided not to re-marry or get a child outside my
matrimonial home which the Bible is against.When my late
husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$3.5M.(Three Million Five
Hundred Thousand U.S.Dollars) with a Bank in Europe.
Presently,this money is still with the Bank and the management just wrote
me as the beneficiary to come forward to sign for the
release of this money or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody
to receive it on my behalf if I can not come over.

Presently,I'm in a hospital in Kenya where I have been undergoing treatment
for esophageal cancer.I have since lost my ability
to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few weeks to live.It
is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity
organizations anywhere in the World.Because relatives and friends have
plundered so much of my wealth since my illness,I
cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of

Please,I beg you in the name of God to help me Stand and collect the Funds
from the Bank.

I want a person that is God fearing that will use this money to fund
churches,orphanages and widows propagating the word of
God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained.

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth.I took
this decision because I don't have any child that will
inherit this money and my husband's relatives are not Christians and I
don't want my husband's hard earned money to be misused
by unbelievers.I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an
ungodly manner.Hence the reason for taking this bold
decision.I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going.I know that
I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord.

Exodus{14 VS14}says that the lord will fight my case and I shall hold my
peace.I don't need any telephone communication in this
regard because of my soundless voice and presence of my husband's relatives
around me always.I don't want them to know about
this development. With God all things are possible.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of my attorney
who is in Europe as he will be the one to assist you in laying
claims for this funds.

Kindly send your reply to my private email address which is as follows:

Your Sister in Christ,

Mrs.Sheila Johnson.

March 15, 2007

Logo or image for DHHH?

Any suggestions for a logo or graphic for this website? Looking a little pale....


PS Home for one short night, off to Canberra tomorrow morning... No idea when I'll be BackAgain----------

March 13, 2007

Proposed Dates

Proposed Dates (for Devonport HHH).

  • Shortest Run Weekend - June 23,24th 2007
    (to be held at Guildford (if we can get it) to celebrate the shortest day or longest night).
  • Tour de Piss - August 25,26th 2007
    (to be held from Ulverstone following a very tortuous route of around 45km on bicycles (non motorized) visiting at least 7 pubs for refreshment during expedition)
    (trophy presentation dinner to be held on Sat night 25/08/2007 with short recovery ride on 26/08/2007).

Gunn's Plains Run

Short summary of Gunn’s Plains Run – Set by Dyke.

Bloody hot day – hope there is no snakes. Get there early (before 7pm) although Maggie & Crow get there later.

Down long driveway (nice sealed road), oops gone too far, “Get off my f***ken road, you idiot” , sorry I will fix it.

Park in single file, wait for on on.

On On – back up driveway, through false trail (can see trail from arrow), on up, up, up to first MC at bus shelter.

Put something in letter box, damn tree trunk won’t fit, on up, up, up, up, cross thru paddock, blackberries, buzzies, watch the wire, blackberries, more buzzies.

Watch the wire, down, down, down (bit slippery here), watch the wire, down, down, down onto main road to second MC.

On down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down look out for the cars, need a piss, down, down, down, CHECK.

Cross road and go up, up, up, up, up, up, up, (stairway to heaven or highway to hell ?), up, up, up, up, up, up, CHECK

False trail, up, up, up, up, up, up, MC. Great view (must have cost at least $60K to put in that road). HHH.

On down, down, down, down, down, down, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up (not far to go now), up, up, up, up, up, down driveway.

You b***tard, good run, good tucker, cold beer, many down downs, laughter, shut the f***k up, don’t spin the wheels going back up the driveway.

On On, light up bags as we leave, you b***tards, nice shiraz, tim tams and port, ON HOME.

Hope next weeks run at Mabels’ is just as flat.

March 8, 2007

Receding Hare Line - March/April 2007

  • 12/03/2007 – Dyke Dyke’s place – Gunns Plains Road (bring a tow truck)
  • 19/03/2007 – Cheese 33 Amherst Street Ulverstone(bring a paint brush)
  • 26/03/2007 – Dint TBA (Bring a trail)
  • 02/04/2007 – Tracka 98 Best Street Devonport (Bring a torch)

Pig Pen Trip

Pig Pen 2007 (from a visitors point of view)

The motley group of DH3 members (Mabel, Flasher, PB, Thrust and Tracka) attended the annual Pig Pen run at Copping on February 18th 2007.

The trip started at Tracka’s at 8am with stops at Epping Forest (compulsory for food), Campania (for relief), Sorell (for more food) and finishing at Copping at around 11.30am.

All were able to abuse cyclists on the great Victorian bike ride on the road into Sorell and also some local motorists who obviously don’t know how to pass cyclists. Some sysclists even passed them at times.

At the Copping Oval (badly in need of a mow) some hashers were set up in tents, others in campervans and then there were others who were not intending to stay for the bush dance and had just turned up for the run / piss for the day. Being in a valley then temperature was exaggerated somewhat and it would have been at least 30 degrees may be more, no breeze to speak of, just hot really. We registered and received the compulsory badge and the promise of cold beer and food after the run. The hares called all to a circle and mentioned that there would be 3 runs, the short walk / run (about 6km) “the pork hunt”, the medium run (about 10 – 12km) “the ham hero” and the long run (about 18km) “the iron swine”. All DH3 chose the medium and at the appointed time off we went. Mabel led the pack (dangerous I here you say) as all runs started in the same place and went up past the cemetery, past a vineyard and up a reasonable hill to a fence jump and then down into a newly planted forest. The heat was oppressive as we came upon the first sign directing the hunters in one direction and the heroes and swine in the other direction. We were warned about snakes but had not seen any at this stage. The pack spread over quite a distance and the black sandy soil absorbed and reflected back the heat and eventually there was a drink stop. Only water and not cold but enough to wet the whistle and pour over the head to provide some relief. Mabel and Flasher being the fitter of the crew had disappeared by this stage leaving PB, Thrust and Tracka to bring up the rear. Tracka got lost just after the drink stop and had to be brought back onto the trail by PB as it wound it way back out of the plantation and across some paddocks to a saddle and then down again via more paddocks and short undergrowth. The second drink stop was a welcome sight as more water was poured over heads and the hare joined us for the run back to the on on.

A nicely set trail with some interesting hills and valleys and good use of territory.

The On On was ok but the hash hops did not have the beer set right and most was wasted because the beer was not cold enough and you basically ended up with a mug of froth. The ginger beer was ok though. A compulsory down was had by all for visiting and the lippery went for ages and ages. In fact we all disappeared whilst the lippery was still running to enable a stop for a counter tea on the way home.

Counter tea at Campbell Town was nice but it was still bloody hot and most uncomfortable at the pub. The trip home was uneventful and all arrive safely back at Tracka’s at about 10pm.

Well worth the trip as a good day was had by all and it was good to see many other hash clubs attending as well.

March 7, 2007

Problems posting?

I hear people were having trouble emailing postings to the blog. I am not sure what is happening, but I fiddled and it seemed to be working again. Same email:

As for me, I am busy getting fit in exotic locations. This included Fraser Island, Noosa, Brisbane and Melbourne. Shortly off to continue exercising in Canberra, Adelaide, Alice Springs... So GoneAgain is gone still...


February 12, 2007

Nash Hash rego for sale

Speed Hump (Burnie H3) is selling her 2007 Fat Cat Nash Hash rego for $200.

Anyone thinking about a trip to Canberra for 2-4 March can pick up a cheap registration for $200 (currently selling for $350).

Speed Hump can be contacted by e-mail on or at work on

Bridge to Bridge

Yes it has been done – against all odds, distance, snakes (more later) and wrong turns, 8 intrepid walkers from DH3 completed the track from Alma Bridge to Spellmans Bridge on 11/2/2007.

After meeting at Killer’s place at 7.30am the crew of Flasher, Maggie, Thrust, Mabel, Poxie, Pb, Trilly (a dog) and Tracka were told that instead of going from Spellmans bridge to Alma bridge on a newly opened track the walk (reputed to be 38km) the walk would now be a shorter 17km round trip from Alma bridge to a point approx. 8.5km away and return. The reason given was that the track was not actually complete at all and that there was a problem with part of the track being blocked due to forestry operations. This of course lightened everyone’s mood as a 17km walk was going to be a lot easier than the 38km previously mentioned. Of course all who were attempting the journey were prepared for the longer distance anyway……….NOT!!!

Killer was going to be a non-starter as he was attending a snake tagging meeting with his son (he did not see any).

A quick trip to Alma bridge from Killer’s and we were underway at 8.30am (strangely on time) with an estimated return time of around 12.30pm on the newer revised course.
The pace was steady and we had our first stop at around 9.30pm after going the wrong way due to lack of markings on several occasions and also coming across a couple of fishing huts on the way. The track was reasonably flat with a couple of small hills thrown in for good measure.

Wilmot river was quite low and there was not much flow (which would prove to be good later).
At around 10.30am we had emerged from quite a low canopy with some magnificent man ferns and quite a cool temperature due to the shade onto a nature reserve paddock with a nice picnic shelter. There was a track crossing back over the river via stepping stones and another climbing the hill and winding back to Wilmot road. After some investigation of the river crossing all climbed the hill and had a rest at the track that then went onto Wilmot road. Mabel made the decision to check further and we all followed a well formed track back down to the river via some substantial ferns, dogwoods and cutting grass. After attempting to follow the track for quite a while (and it was getting quite difficult due to cliff faces) we crossed the river one more time and arrived into another paddock of the nature reserve that we were in earlier.

There had been motorbikes here so we followed the track and came across another well used fishing hut right on the banks of the Wilmot river where a quick rest and refuel was completed. After leaving the hut we came across a well used motorbike track that went up hill for some distance. Much discussion was had here and eventually all went up the hill to the end of a forestry track that apparently winds in from Swamp road near Kindred. A very long and steep hill (a MF hill by any description) where Tracka, Mabel and Maggie investigated further and had a good long view and where the river proceeded whilst all others went back down the hill and found a shelter shed where some locals had overnighted and were about to go back the MF hill on a quad bike with a flat rear tyre and fully loaded with camping equipment and other passengers. It looked like a dodgy prospect but we found out later they all made I back safely.

After a quick lunch break more discussion was had as to whether to turn back and trace back to Alma Bridge (approx 4.5 hours walking) or trust the locals who said that there was another bridge and track about half an hour to 1 hour up the other track. Eventually all agreed and with Mable leading we progressed up the half hour to hour track.

Some big hills and descents followed until with Mabel leading and about to cross a log the first of the snakes was spotted. Mabel had been carrying a stick for quite some time but when it came time to use it he didn’t. He was about to cross the log when the snake (Tiger with nice black shiny skin and estimated to be around 5 feet in old money) stood up and winked at him. Flasher who was following closely pulled him back to stop any further problems and after seeing Tracka the snake turned and scampered away. Mabel handled the situation quite well apart from legs turning to jelly and heart attempting escape from chest. The track lead on and on and by this stage all (or maybe just me) were getting tired and had sore legs, feet or other parts.

With Mabel still in the lead the group trudged on up some more MF hills and down some equally tough descents until the second of the encounters with reptile kind. Mabel had established a reasonable pace and was leading the rest of the group by 20 to 30 metres when Tracka stopped quickly jumped a world record backwards from a standing start into Flasher as another 5 to 6 foot tiger snake stood and checked him out. As a loud ‘Oh Shit’ was heard the snake turned and disappeared towards the river. No legs of jelly this time but a maxed out heart rate certainly occurred. The time was now about 2.30pm and whilst we trundling on there were doubts starting to emerge as to the distance to go until we were able to get out of the river valley and whether we could keep our bodies going as most if not all were quite buggered by now and starting to loose concentration, not good with the type of track we were following. We were encouraged to keep going as we found some tyres that are used for track stabilization and evidence of recent work which meant that we must have been near to a exit point from the trail.

We then came down to a sign that said "Spellmans Bridge via Leo’s bypass" which meant that at least we were still going in the correct direction although we still had no idea how far.

With the river level being low we were able to cover quite some distance by walking up the rocks in the river and eventually coming to a point on the track where the sign said "Please use upper track as there are rock bands on the lower track". After already going up hill too many times and needing to listen to some good rock music we chose the lower track and we pleased to find that some significant work had been completed to allow us to go around the rock bands in the form of ladders and rock bridges. Just when we thought there was about 6km to go "Bridge Ahoy" was called and we spyed Spellmans bridge.

All congratulated each other and after a check of the watches we had completed the journey (though not planned) in 7 hours. Now came the next problem, no mobile phone service, no way to contact anyone to pick us up (remember we were going to do a return walk) we contemplated hitching a ride back to Alma Bridge. Thrust said she knew someone and disappeared to try to make a phone call to get us picked up. After we consumed all of Flasher’s chocolate (400 gms), Poxie’s bread rolls and some lollies we were still waiting for Thust to re-appear. Finally she arrived with Peter Whiffy Dog in his ute after having a nice cold beer (bitch) and we were all given a lift back to Alma Bridge in the Whiffy Dog ute with Mabel and Poxie riding on the flat tray. A quick trip back to the Forth pub followed and several cold beers were consumed whilst listening to the blues being played and then an impromptu bbq was held at Killers.

Thanks Killer and Linda for the hospitality, food, salad, wine, scotch, beer and company.

Overall a good first outing for the HOFT. (Hash Old Farts Trekkers) All over 45years of age (sorry Thrust and PB) except Trilly the dog who is now in the bad books for biting PB after an altercation with Angus (one of Killers dogs).

Hare Line

Receding Hare Line (Update)

  • Monday 12/2/2007 6.30pm Tracka Seymour St / Castle Rd Tarelton
    On On at Bells Parade Latrobe
  • Monday 19/2/2007 6.30pm Soff Turners Beach Road – Soffs Place
    (Soff’s B/Day – bring a pressie)
  • Monday 26/2/2007 6.30pm Flasher Esplanade Car Park – East Devonport
  • Monday 5/3/2007 6.30pm TBA
  • Monday 12/3/2007 6.30pm TBA

On On


February 6, 2007

Pig Pen 2007

After much consumption of lubricant it has been decided that a delegation (I think the new plural word for more than 1 hasher) from Devonport HHH will attend the Pig Pen run at Copping on February 17th. Basic plan is to go there and come back on same day – tough job but someone has to do it.

  • Meet at Tracka’s at 7.45am on February 17th – Tracka can take a total of 8 Hashers (2 seats already taken) so if there are more attending then another vehicle will need to go.

  • Leave Tracka’s at 8am – Arrive at Copping at around 11.30am.

  • Run/Walk/Drink until around 5pm.

  • Leave Copping for Counter Attack at Ross around 6.30pm

  • Leave Ross at around 8pm and arrive back at Tracka’s around 10pm.

Bring $25 for Pig Pen run and extra $$ for counter attack.


Receding hare Line

  • 12/02/2007 6.30pm - Tracka - Seymour Street / Castle Road Tarleton (bring Yourself)
  • 19/02/2007 6.30pm - Soff - Turners Beach Main Road (Soff’s Place) (Soffs birthday – bring a pressie)
  • 26/02/2007 6.30pm - TBA
  • 05/03/2007 6.30pm - TBA
  • 12/03/2007 6.30pm - TBA

On On

February 5, 2007

Attention to Detail

OK, so that email did not work to post news on our site. Much sweating, a bunch of beers , a pint a Guinness and a good tripple scotch later I noticed the email domain was wrong... The correct **secret** email for posting is now.... I will change the email in the next few weeks or earlier if we get spammed!


Burnie Hash Trash

  • Saturday 17th February 2007 - Park Beach H3's Pig Pen Run - Copping Oval 2nd
    to 4th March 2007 - Nash Hash, Canberra

Burnie RECEDING HARELINE for those who care!

  • R*n 878 - Sunday January 28 - Phay Ray - Darling Road, Ridgley
  • R*n 879 - Sunday February 4 - Speed Hump - Breakfast R*n - Burnie
  • R*n 880 - Sunday February 11 - Ratchet - TBA
  • R*n 881 - Sunday February 18 - Dini - West Mooreville Road, Burnie (Try-Hash-alon)
  • R*n 882 - Sunday February 25 - Chunder - TBA
  • R*n 883 - Sunday March 4 - Nicer Pair-a-Tiffs - TBA
  • R*n 884 - Sunday March 11 - FC - TBA R*n 885 - Sunday March 18 - Knickers - TBA
  • R*n 886 - Sunday March 25 - Grizzly - TBA
  • R*n 887 - Sunday April 1 - GonZo -Boat Harbour Beach
  • No r*n Easter Sunday
  • R*n 888 - Saturday April 14 - Ringo and Urang - AGPU! - Burnie

On on


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