Nice new bridge! |
Bedpan had it all worked out for us and set her pre-planned run by bicycle just on sunset as food was simmering at home in her ranch,.... A tad on the long side for the pack, only Thrust was brave enough to do the 8+kms run over the Don River. This incidentally marked the first time ever that Devonport Hash crossed the Don River on the railway ridge (newly built), but only Thrust, Bedpan and GoneAgain marked the occasion.
Back at the Ranch at 11a CalendarGirl freaked out the resident/geriatric cats by drinking water from their bowl, after refusing the fishpond for a drink. CalendarGirl was demoted to the car after she ate GoneAgains supply of pills. Cheese's neighbour Tasty was drowning sorrows of sort in the only bottle of red wine we had. She was soon rescued by a friend. We had our Circle after enjoying a Leg of lamb, roast chicken, rolls,... for dinner. Fanny May made a post operative appearance which we thought was pretty brave, until we learned that FC had a 'delicate procedure' just that morning (With BedPan in attendance, watching carefully no doubt).
Cheese took home the hub for among other things failing to come up with $1M to repay Mattress which she had earlier lent to Tasty to help her buy cancer sticks. Noone broke into the new
SS Commodore this evening.
NEXT RUN: Boner is the Good Egg who is setting our Easter run from Tucker Street in Ulverstone, adjoining Buttons Creek. 630pm Monday 21 April.