February 29, 2008
Leap Year Run
When: Dooh – 29/02/2008 6.30pm
What: Stroll / run
After: Counter attack at local hotel
Cost: No cost for stroll – pay for own meal, etc
February 27, 2008
Receding Hareline
03/03/08 Yep I Mission Hill Road Penguin
10/03/08 Crab TBA
17/03/08 Bastard TBA
24/03/08 Dyke TBA
Watch this space for updates
February 25, 2008
Say Cheese

There's gotta be a shortcut.... We contemplated swimming home but the 48 knot estimated tide was an effective deterrent...

There wasn't enough food to feed us, so extra 'Tori' protein was found in the backyard, hence reducing appetites and ensuring there was enough food to go around after all with plenty to spare.

Tori licked some butt, then she licked Cheese, then she ran off to lick our plates...

February 23, 2008
Picture of Modesty
Or maybe this is what happens when you have beer-withdrawals? Nah, that would not have been the case. This was Thrust before she broke into the Blue Mosque for prayers in Istanbul. Tourists are not allowed during praying sessions!
February 18, 2008
Specially Convened Happy Hour
3pm Sunday 24 February
40 Esplanade, Turners Beach
BYO Grog
Come over and help him get some more grey hairs.
Tracka's Platypus Run
The stats: 9.5km (I reckon deduct 1.5km from that), 1 hour and 1 minute (for me). I topped out at 25.5 km/hr when I slipped down the bank with Thrust and FogHorn on the way home. We burned 684 kilo Calories!

I reckon the gadget had not obtained a position when I told it to start tracking us, which may have resulted in an extra 1 - 1.5km. Who knows. It also reckons we started at an altitude of 377 meters, and the picnic area was at 93m. Next time remind me to turn this thing on before the start! This technology always baffles me.
February 15, 2008
Love-lost HOFT to Valentines Peak
Meet at Hampshire (the junction of Ridgley Highway and Natone Road, 31km south of Burnie) at 11 am sharp for convoy to the starting point. If you are late, you'd better have a fast car with a number on the side, because the road will be closed for Rally Tasmania.
You can Moon the Moon at DH3’s Full Moon Run on Thursday 21 February at Ottos Grotto, Ulverstone.
Meet at 6.30 pm for a run/stroll. Clothes optional.
No cost for run/stroll. Pay for own counter meal & refreshments afterwards.
This event is proudly brought to you by Flasher
February 13, 2008
February 11, 2008
Guardsvan's Kelcey Tier

Poxy was fueling the fire...

18/02/08 Tracka - Myrtle Hole Latrobe (end of Shale Road)
25/02/08 Cheese - 33 Amherst Street Ulverstone
HOFT to St. Valentines Peak- Updated Details
This coming Sunday,
Join Dyke for a chance to wear your heart on your sleeve (after it leaps out of your chest halfway up the mountain), walking through bush and rainforest to the summit, around 1100 metres elevation.
Expected walking time is approx 2 hours 30 minutes return.
Bring lunch, drink, coat and money for counter meal and ales afterwards at La Porchetta in Burnie.
Meet at the junction of
Latecomers (that’s you, Ringo) will find themselves excluded, as the road is being closed for the staging of a bitumen rally shortly thereafter. Road access is barred until 4.30 pm.
On On!
February 5, 2008
RE: Leap Year Run (Official - Leap Year Grand Master Sanctioned)
Where: Ulverstone – Rocket Park
When: Dooh – 29/02/2008 6.30pm
What: Stroll / run
After: Counter attack at local hotel
Cost: No cost for stroll – pay for own meal, etc
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