June 30, 2009
June 29, 2009

One of Cheese's posters? Nope, this is the real thing! Onya Thrust.
Walk run as per usual, bloody dark, bloody long and short at the same time, but tucker was awesome thanks to a Dini/Flasher effort - preparation of which included getting wet with a Wii apparently. Whatever it took it was worth it. Vermon in the garage was as appreciative as we were, and Cheese was not impressed that when Dint threw the spent wigged whaffle tickets everywhere there was no loose change flying around. Better luck next time. Apparently Dyke recently found $1.83 after Flasher allowed Dint a free kick at the tickets with raffle money in it .
Oh, and Who awarded down-downs for all those whose run number was a prime divisible by three. According to his logic there were quite a few.
Next run from Bastards Place: 6 Adina Court Penguin.
June 26, 2009
June 25, 2009
- Tues 7th July 2009 at 7pm from Otto's Grotto Ulverstone
- Moon Walk followed by Pub Grub.
- No charge but bring $$$ for counter attack and wigged waffle.
- Moon Moon
A reminder to those attending Waratah Wild West July 25-26, that a deposit of $25 each is required to reserve your accommodation at the Pub, payable to Burnie HHH by July 10th.
On! On!
Dini (dini@dhash.com)
Tassie Nash Hash 2011 - Calling for volunteers
If you think you may be available to assist in any way (either leading up to, or during the event), head to the Hash Tasmania blog site now (www.tashash.blogspot.com ) where you will find an on-line volunteer form to complete.
Tasmanian Hashers volunteering will be offered a discounted rate for registration (the special back-to-back price of $210, payable by end Feb 2010).
Check out the Aussie Nash Hash 2011 link to see progress so far. As at 23/6/2009 there were 197 registrations received!
June 23, 2009
Receding Hareline
Next R*n will be set by Flasher from
Tracka 1000
Next run at Bastard and Pioneers in Penguin. Presumably from their house but lets wait till we hear it from the Bastard himself. Watch this space.
June 19, 2009
Grunt 1000
Grunt urg ah BH3 1000th ugag! Hrrm arr grr ughag hurr grmmmf.
Hhu mmrr gruff urk arrggle, ah Saturday 1:30pm hnmd grunc dranclurc 448 West
Mooreville Rd, Burnie.
Hrdump $25, grud, hrurrummp, arroooga, noo, urppl uh adrangarrr Slack Mac.
R*n: Saturday June 20th, 1.30pm
From: 448 West Mooreville Road, Burnie
Evening: Wear just your best skins and bones
On On, Feasting, Badge & Hat provided, BYO drinks.
Prehistoric value at only $25
Cavemen with big bones welcome
Cavewomen with appetite for big meat very welcome
UP AND CUMMING. († updated)
June 20 - Burnie H3 1000th
Jul 25-26 - Waratah Wild West Weekend
August 15-16 - Devonport H3's Tour de Pisse
September 9 - 7th Global Harriettes R*n (09/09/09)
October 17-18 - Burnie 10 weekend
On on
PS. And don't forget even more pressing from: Foghorn's setting our next run
from the Spreyton Cricket Club next monday!
June 18, 2009
NEXT RUN 22/06/09
Foghorn will set a challenging run from the Spreyton Cricket Club car park starting at 6.30. Don’t be late as we need to On On to the Argosy at
On On
Bald Eagle
June 14, 2009
Finger the Dyke opportunity
Find more photos like this on HashSpace
June 9, 2009
Black Tracka needed

The walkers and runners were split after a short run across Remembrance Way with the runners skirting along Dooleys Hill before we all got lost. The pack split into different factions, some running as far as 9.x kilometers with GoneAgain OAM coughing behind.

Down Downs galore, especially for the new Sir GA OAM who also dobbed himself in for winning $12K in the lotto which he has to share with 15 ambulance drivers... Plenty of snacks to go round flushed down with soup and beer.

Energiser above, another one of Flasher's numerous in-laws, Anita Appleby (AA) from the Cairns Clan was named after the AA battery that she seemed to be: Energiser.
Here is the RunKeeper's Edition of GoneAgain. To see the altitudes and distances etc. click <here>.
Next week's run at Dyke's: 2/64 Tugrah Road, Devonport <map here>.
June 8, 2009
Highland Fling 2009
Walking was all I could muster this weekend, so here are the walks as recorded by the iPhone's RunKeeper. Click on the maps for more info. Saturdays main run was a good acclimatisation for the weekend. All donning our warm woollen scottish attires, we braved the chilly air and drizzle.
The recovery run on Sunday involved a good mix of dirt road, dirt hills, dirt rocks and lots of wet stuff. The kilts certainly allowed a good breeze to cool the sweaty parts. Beer on the side of the highway was a ripper, all that was missing there was some good haggas
Don't forget today's Queens Birthday Run is set by Black Trakka (sic.) in Latrobe on Bells Parade just past the Axeman's Hall of Fame.
June 3, 2009
Highland Fling Change to Start Time
Please note that the starting time for the Highland Fling r*n this Saturday is now advertised on the Chardonnay Blog as being 1pm (not 1.30pm as originally advertised in the flyer).
Aussie Nash Hash 2011 general meeting
As soon as Tasmania was announced as host of Aussie Nash Hash 2011, people started to bring forward their thoughts on how to make it a successful event. While all these ideas were welcome, we weren’t really ready to take note.
We are now. The first general meeting of people wishing to assist in the organisation of Aussie Nash Hash 2011 will be held on Tuesday 16th June, starting at 7:00pm at the Italian Club, 77 Federal Street, North Hobart.
This meeting will be used to ‘brainstorm’ the various aspects that go to make up a good hash event in order to provide soon-to-be-appointed sub-committees with a brief on their allocated areas. The bar will be open (buy your own) to assist in the process of making unintelligible scribblings on paper.
We realise that the holding of this meeting in Hobart on a weeknight precludes many northern folk from attending, however we do encourage participation from all hashers and will make available notes from the meeting to all clubs and interested persons for additional comment.
If you have half a mind (all that’s required to go hashing) to input into this event, please attend.
If you have further questions, please contact publicity hound Herr Flick or any of the other more appropriate persons listed below.
On! On!
Lone Arranger
Aussie Nash Hash 2011 GM
Lone Arranger – 0429 346 266 or faulks42@bigpond.com
Herr Flick – 0438 340 564 or herrflick@netspace.com
Dini – 0407 876 567 or dini@dhash.com
Bloody Mary – 0409 421 467 or mary.hey@MyState.com.au
Grizzly – 0418 143 481 or grizzly@dhash.com
June 2, 2009
Forth Time Lucky
A pack of twenty or so set forth in
O! On! Dini
June 1, 2009
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