September 22, 2008


22/09/08 Foghorn 8 Talbor Crt, Eugenana
29/09/08 Bastard 29 September at 6 Adina Court Penguin.

I am in hospital (Hobart) getting 'routine maintenance' treatment which apparently does not include sponge-baths. I am however allowed to pee in my bed! I am also seriously internet deprived, dependant on a random wireless connection that pops up every now and again with internet for a few minutes at a time... Just a reminder that we can all submit articles by emailing to trash at dhash dot com.


September 5, 2008

Hoft at Lee's Paddock

Dyke led us safely to this forsaken hut surrounded by floodplains, creeks and rivers.
The slideshow is <here>.

Lee's Paddocks is private property where the Lee family still graze cattle. The family also own the hut but leave the door unlocked for the use of walkers to the area. Beware of mushy cow paddies!
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