August 29, 2007


Proposed:         October 7th 2007           

Where:              Mt Murchison

By:                   DINT

Start:                Mc Donalds Car Park – Burnie 8:00 am


August 16, 2007

Receding Hareline

20/08/07            Plunger             Corner of Trevor &  James Streets Ulverstone

27/08/07            Tracka              98 Best Street Devonport

03/09/07            Cistern              14 Mission Hill Road Penguin

10/09/07            Poxie                3 Eugene Street Devonport


On On

Bald Eagle

August 6, 2007

Receding Hareline

06/08/07            Soff       40 Esplanade Turners Beach

13/08/07            Dint      14 Church Street East Devonport


On On

Bald Eagle

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