August 30, 2013

Tour de Pisse 2013 Final Warning

OzRock Inn 1pm Saturday August 31! 

Road bicycle ride, walk, run or on the motorbike for a couple of hours with piss-stops. $50 includes shirt, fabulous rigged raffle (BYO trailer) and more junk fresh from Asia!

August 22, 2013

Gone Gone Gone Again with Paella

No run report from Tracka and Tinsel's Spreyton run yet, so no news is good news. No news from Lunar hash either, so we assume all went well.

Next run, Monday 26 August, is Gone Again's and Fanny May's last effort for winter. GA is off to Spain shortly so this run will be the official Paella Run to see him off. Come over for a Paella and make sure you look the part at 10 James St Devonport, at the usual time of 630pm.


August 21, 2013

Beach to Bay Strahan - Fun Run/Walk


Active Strahan Committee members are once again in the planning stages for another fantastic event


All Hashers are invited to come along!

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PS Loona hash is at Penguin tonight, Wednesday 21st. Meet at 7.00pm at the Skate Park, western end, near boat ramp. The unlicensed, unethical, unbelievable rigged raffle is back fully loaded!

August 19, 2013

Fwd: Loona hash


Begin forwarded message:

From: Flasher
Date: 16 August 2013 23:28:49 AEST
To: Gone Again
Subject: Loona hash

Hi Sir GA
Loona hash is at Penguin. On Wednesday 21st. Meet at 7.00pm at the Skate Park, western end, near boat ramp. Wriggled raffle is on, meal at the pub.
Can you blog the word around

On on

Sent from my iPhone

August 15, 2013

Tracka in a Roundabout way

Guardy set a fabulous run/walk for us (on 'paper') from his fabulous abode on top of the hill in Forth. The enthusiastic pack went to the dead end of town and the runners also ran past the local hairdresser's before returning to the OnOn. Plenty of rusty tomato-soup, fabulous pork with crackling (distribution of which was carefully monitored by B.A.Stard), mashed spuds, Lammingtons (each one individually tested by B.A.Stard) and port. It was all very much fun until Cheese had a serious gas leak causing an abrupt end to an otherwise pleasant evening.

Next run from the little roundabout at Latrobe near the petrol station there. OnOn at Tracka & Tinsel's.

August 9, 2013

Run Monday 12th August

Due to long range forecast of rain, rain and more rain, there has been a change.
The run will now start and finish at 103 William Street, Forth.

Bring torch, wet weather gear, gum boots and a sense of humour.

See you then! GV

August 6, 2013

Guardy the Frog

Noone showed up with a frog at BedPan's place! In fact no one wanted to get wet on the trail except for Guardy the frogman. Guardy followed the dough (flour?) into town and through the Rooke Street Mall, got some looks from the local constabulary and scuffled on smilingly through the puddles. Meanwhile nine brave hashers enjoyed a game of tenpin bowls at the unlicensed bowling club while Bedpan  was reheating the pumpkin soup Fanny May made out of BedPan's homegrown pumpkin. Bedpan had already plucked and baked her chickens so that she had ample time to prepare the avocados, tomatoes, buns, mayo,.... and select the music.   

Dint not being much of a pumpkin soup fan was treated to a sachet io chicken noodle soup, thoughtfully provided by FannyMay who knows what her men like (and don't like). Dint meticulously fished out the noodles.

Maybe it was the unpredictable music that caused Bedpan to have a stroke of genius brainwave, she wants a pet you can turn on when you come home, and turn off when you go away for the weekend. Guardy jumped up enthusiastically; 'pick me pick me pick me!'. So she got her frog in the end. But how do you turn him off? We thought GoneAgain in his undies might do the trick.

Cake and port for desert, no raffle again - so we were all winners I suppose... Well, all except GoneAgain as he got the lowest score at TenPinB and Bastard as he was disqualified from winning as surely he must've cheated in order to smugly beat us all.

Next run will be in the mud from the quarry on top of Kelcey Tier at the Allison Track car park (Cistern better be there) out of Spreyton (up Durkins Road). Bring a torch!

August 3, 2013

Bedpan Needs Froggy

Yes, you read it right. Bedpan needs a frog. Not the kind you kiss and turn into a prince, just a plain one for her pond. If in doubt bring one of each.

So if you do have a frog bring it with you to Bedpan's run next Monday 5 August! Her place is behind the pond at 11a Percy Street, Devonport.

Speaking of frogs, last week's run by Foghorn was well timed between the rain showers. We found the RW sign and all in the burb of Spreyton. His soup and snags were of the usual standard and none complained because he redeemed himself by serving us chocolate cake and port.

Still no rigged raffle. Attendance at hash is declining steadily as we all know what we're really coming for; lousy raffle prizes. Where are those expired Kmart bra catalogs, ill fitting T-shirts, caps and expired chocolates?

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