Run 1775: And so 18 or so Hashers met at the Ozz Rock Inn not knowing what was waiting for them - knowing Crow. And Crow did not let them down. It turned out to be a paper run - that is, go to specific points and count things, or what is the telephone number of so and so, or what is the price of some products in Coles and so on - about 20 of them.
Teams were drawn by 1080, ably assisted by 540 (get it?) About an hour later all the teams had returned and 1080 was set to check the sheets. In the meantime, Crow was serving up Pea and Ham soup, followed by pork and coleslaw and rolls, and icecream and apple crumble. Some were disappointed that there were no fish and chips. Very nice.
It was Bastards turn to do the lip and some notable downs were - .
1400 - Bald Eagle, .FC and Dint downed for birthdays, Dint for being the biggest loser, Bald Eagle for being the biggest winner and Dint for various other self interest reasons.
1040 - Bastard, .
997 - Dint (more practice), .
250 - Gone Again (who has just come back), .
400 - Maggie May, .
002 - 540 for consecutive runs,
Results of the teams event were - 1st - Cheeze and Dint, 2nd equal, FC and GA, Maggie and Eagle, and Thrust and Eweturn, 5th - Bastard and Tracka and Soff, 6th - GV and Poxie, 7th - Pioneer and Overdose. The raffle was won and won and Cheeze won a prize - no it was not a blow up doll. The Hub was awarded to Overdose, on a countback from Dint, for refusing to go into Coles, indicating this by a very loud "stuff it - I am not going into there".
An interesting evening - more so for the staff at Coles. Great food, great run, great fellowship and everyone left through the "exit to the real world" door.
Drunken Walkers!
Tracka advised that a new group of like minded hashers called "Drunken Walkers" meet each thursday at 7.30pm, this week at the Lighthouse in Ulverstone (whgoops, past tense now....).
Next Run:
Next weeks run will be from the rear carpark of the Spreyton Primary School, near the netball courts that we very nearly went to a couple of weeks ago.
On On Soff