Next run:
Where: From Oz Rock Inn, Beach Road, Ulverstone
What: The Great Race
When: Monday 22nd June. 6.30 for 6.45 start
Hare: Crow
Run Report 1774: Cheese transformed the terrain of Ulver-rock with ample dots of powdered dough. A pack of too many for me to count assembled in Amherst St for the “on-on” call. The runners powered all the way to Boner’s abode via a devious trail, while the walkers took a shorter root through the parklands. By miraculous calculation Cheese managed to get the walkers and runners back at the same time. Welcome back to some hashers who had not been for a while. We missed you. Also welcome to 540 for his first official run. (and run he did!!) Master Chef Cheese prepared a gourmet meal for the masses, topped off with Vanilla Slice and Port and Green Ginger Wine. You’re a machine Cheese! Thanks. GV in Soff’s absence.
MESSAGE FROM Kick It - a Hasher from Brisbane South Side Hash
PSI (Personal Success Intensive) is a 2 day event that in one weekend will improve your health, wealth & happiness. I have done the 2 day event myself and found it to be awesome. Because it is the first time it is being run in Tasmania (Sat 25th Sun 26th July) there is a one time only deal of $49.
Contact details Sue MacDonald sue@eqevents.com.au, Phone 0432 981 508
Sue offered a free sessionto explain it: <click here> They won’t spend the whole weekend selling you stuff, this thing is risk free. It’s not a 2 day sales pitch. It’s just a jam-packed, eye-popping, results-getting journey that could easily change your life forever. That's it! I usually don't do this sort of thing but I promised to help her to introduce this weekend to Tassie! I also believe it is a great weekend event
On OnJohn Kick it! Toomey - dragonaz64@gmail.com
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