August 5, 2014

Run 1730 in Conjunction with Lunar Hash

When:                  Monday 11th  August @ 1830 for 1845 get away

Where:                 Car Park behind Wells Car Park, Latrobe

Bring:                   Torch + money to BYO at local pub for on-on

Hare:                   Trakka

On On:                Local Pub



Run 1729:

The trail did an early loop  and then through the dead centre of Don to a Master Check on Lapthorne Close. Shortly after the walkers diverged onto their “special” trail to find their HHH. The runners headed trackside to Tatiana, Georgiana and Checkiana on their way down Steele Street. Maggie got confused by all the checks but Lantern saved the day when he sighted reflective flour near a roundabout. Dint thought he would go for a “splash”, but he couldn’t find any trail.

A  convivial on-on was enjoyed in Lantern’s warm shed with the added comfort of a Mattress. Proxy Assistant Deputy Lip Trakka conducted the “downs”. Maggie was hesitant to let go of the hub, so was awarded the trophy for another week. Well done Maggie.

Thanks Lantern.







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