September 22, 2015

Run 1788 from Isandula Heights and Forest Eco Centre

And so it was that exactly 14 hashers met at Ratchet's and Knicker's Forest Eco Centre for a run/walk though the surrounding forest, following copious amounts of flour leading this way and that, up and down and around and about, and back across Isandula Road so most were confused but when all saw the lights of the Eco Centre - all were relieved.  Tracka and TT arrived slightly late - even later than when the Trail Master called On On 6 minutes after 6.45.

Once back at the Eco Centre, after a little while, Ratchet dragged himself away from the BBQ and presented sausages and rissoles, while Knickers brought out soup, rolls, coleslaw, and for sweets there was rubarb/apple and apple crumble. Pretty good really.

Bastard did the lip and we know why. Downs  were incurred by -

. Tracka - made a comment about 1788 and Captain Cook arriving in that year,
. Knickers - for great food - Crow and Lantern and Tracka must have missed lunch,
. Crow - 818 reversible,
. Dint - 1010,
. OD - 21,  I bet she wish's she was,
. TT - 399 - practice,
. Ratchet - magnificent run,
. Dint - geographically challenged,
. Soff - biggest loser again. I remember saying before the finals they would go down 2 zip.

The Hub was missing again - we are wondering if we will ever see it again?

Raffles were won and won and Cheeze, GV and Soff won won.

While all this was happening, Cheeze brushed past GV and GV's chair collapsed under him - bit of a push rather than a shove. All of a sudden, there was GV flat out on his back on the concrete not moving at all.  After some moments, GV bounded up off the floor to the cheers of the surrounding Hashers that all was well - and it was, fortunately. The broken plastic chair has been given to Dint to put on the next fire in his backyard firepit.

When arriving at the Eco Centre, it was noticed that Ratchet's motor cycle was parked down in the paddock with a blue tarp over it. It seems that local gossip has it that he had to move it out of the garage so that we could be there - what about that big shed he has down the back? Cheeze would not do that!

Next weeks run will be from the muli-story palace of Cheeze at 33 Amhurst St, West Ulverstone. And it will be in conjunction with LunaH Hash which means the Burnie BH3 might be there. It is also the AFL Brownlow Medal count and those that are not interested in that can leave early- by special permission. I guess there will also be a $2 in sweep.

The Drunken Walkers won't be walking anywhere, but if they get thirsty, it will be somewhere in Ulverstone.

Have not heard of any Hashers having run in's with Wallabies or Wombats on the way home - there were plenty of them about. And Crow is pissed off about answering his phone in his Uber vehicle a couple of days ago.

On On


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