Reminder for everyone and anyone who has ever Hashed in their life, here is your chance to redeem yourself for 2010/11: Come to our stretch of highway at the Wattle Hill Caltex Service Station for the 2011 Adopt-a-Highway clean up. Meet opposite York Street on the highway, just past Latrobe at 10am on Saturday 27th of August. Spend a couple of hours showing off our best Hash Gear to passing motorists as you scour the ditch for roadkill and raffle prizes. We will be issued with all the necessary equipment to do our job. Be there!

GoneAgain's Birthday bHash went off with fireworks and we never even lit the sparklers that Captain Crab brought along. Brilliant run, salivating catering, rowdy company.
Next run at Poxy and PB's place, 3 Eugene Street Devonport. Make sure we pay appropriate respect to the lofty Devonport Hasher who missed out on running with the hub today because he had a dinner appointment at
Admiralty House in
Kirribilly with the Governor... Sigh.
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