We made it! 1500 Runs in and around Devonport. We are still legally allowed to congregate and run in built-up areas, still allowed to wear our badges and isignia. We are not banned from meeting, not accused of illegal activities (yet) and we do not yet need protection by high-priced lawyers who construct legal corporate frameworks for us and represent Hashers in court. This may of course change after Nash Hash...
Lantern gave us all the very serious task of carrying a cool kilo of ice on the run. Lucky for us we were warned to bring gloves. Unfortunately many of us seemed to prefer the latex/medical type of glove which was of little help in carrying ice. The land-owners who allowed us to run through their property put water out for us, which we all suspected of being laced with Vodka. After all, the donuts we got at the start of the run were laced with mustard. When we crossed the creek and clambered up the other bank there was a support vehicle with more virgins feeding us glasses of milk which we surely suspected of being laced with something. The TimTams we tainted with Vegemite, so why would the milk be pure?
Back at the on-on a huge meal was awaiting us, organised by Lantern's little helpers. He did his best to get the ingredients, and managed to get some right. So much food was provided that we forgot about our kilo of melting ice which GoneAgain, Ringo, Sof, Tracker, and a few other obedient Hashers managed to carry the long way round. Ice was ditched on the lawn.
Dint had a beautiful cake adorned with the number 1500. Dini was very proud of Dint for once.
NEXT WEEKS RUN FROM: The Big Potato on the Bass Highway past Latrobe...
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