And so, dear reader, it comes to this.
The biennial madness known as Interhash draws near and it's siren song is being answered by 50-odd Tasmanian hashers (and they don’t come any odder than this lot). Burnie Hash has surrendered more than its fair share, leaving behind a skellington crew to keep the home fires burning and to keep the call of 'On!' bouncing off them thar hills.
I note, dear reader, that you have requested that we bring back an orang-utan. I'm afraid that our luggage restrictions may see us wearing every piece of clothing available just to get the luggage home, so one of the great apes may be beyond our ability. Perhaps you can make do with an Urang-utan - he is large, hairy and stinks like a rugby player's jock strap too.
Those still remaining in Tasmania are invited to attend LoonRhash Saturday 26th June at 6.30pm at Shearwater Country Club (note earlier time than usual)
- June 21st, Monday 6.30—Next Devonport Hash @ Plunger’s new place, South Road
- Ulverstone approx 100m west of Mount St Vincent Home (on the other side of the road).
- June 26th, Saturday—LoonRhasH—A Bit of This @ Shearwater (RSVP to 0428592420)
- July 2-4th—World Interhash, Kuching, Borneo
- July 26th,Monday—LoonRhasH FirstBirthday—set by the Grand Loon himself, Black
- Tracka from Otto’s Grotto, Ulverstone
- August 7th, Saturday—Posh Hash Masked Ball @ The Polish Club
- August 14th—Waratah Wild West Weekend—Waratah’s got Talent?
Bookings now open—see flyer—first in first served for a bed in the Pub. - August 25th,Wednesday—LoonRhasH @ Devonport
- September 4th— DH3’s le Tour de Pisse from the Oz Rock Inn, Ulverstone. Well lubricated motorcycle ride through our best King of the Mountin’ cuntryside, or a beachside walk/r*n/stagger with more piss stops than a dog in a lamp-post factory.
A ride to remember (or not) and fantastic Hashing value - only $50 gets you le vin, le croissant, le soixante-neuf vol-au-vent & la beau chapeau. (merchandise, food, drinks, party, chance to speak in outrageously bad French accent). More info from Black Tracka, Tinsel, Flasher. - 10.10. 2010 (Sunday)—Global Harriettes R*n
- October 16-17th—The Burnie Hash Burnie Ten Weekend - Keep this weekend free! If you’ve been before, you know what’s in store … if you haven’t, it’s time you found out! More info from Dini, Ringo, A Bit of This, Phay Wray.
- Sunday 20th Feb 2011—Burnie HHH Pre-lube—Burnie CBD
- Monday 21st Feb 2011—Devonport Pre-lube—Devonport CBD
- Tuesday 22nd Feb 2011—Launceston pre-lube—Cataract Gorge
- Thursday 24th Feb 2011—Red Dress R*n, Hobart CBD
- February 25-27th, 2011—Aussie Nash Hash, Hobart. Register now!!! www.hhh.asn.au/aussienashhash
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