Torrential rain preceded Hare Cheese's run, wiping any trace of whatever run he may or may not have set for us. Assuming he was jet-lagged and broke, probably not eaten anything decent for weeks (USA McDonalds and whatever they fed him on the plane), he probably hadn't set much of a trail at all. Besides there was bike viewing to be done!
The rain stopped, and we were quickly handed bits of paper, and off we went. Walkers walked to the 'place where we tell the time' (the Ulverstone Clock) and back again, runners went else-where. It was a miracle none of us got drenched and drowned as there were some serious squalls happening all around us. Qudos to the Hash Monk! Driving home at night revealed lots of debris on the road.
At the OnOn we had Shephards pie and nibblies compliments of Dini the caterer. We had to put up with the smell of Cheese's new bike, and momentarily listen to the finely tuned exhaust when peer pressure made Cheese turn the beast over. The rigged raffle was not rigged enough, I won no prizes, but all the bald, old, ugly bastards did!
Next 'run' is from Parallel Solutions (BlackTrakka's) and assuming it will rain we just need to make our way to the Tenpin Bowling facility down the road.
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