August 25, 2015

Run 1784

And so 15 or so Hashers met at Lanterns cave wondering in which direction he might send them. And send them he did - on through the old dead centre of Devonport, found some not so virgin bush behind the Council workshops,  past the Hillcrest Primary school 3 times, and wound up back at Lanterns. Some walking wankers actually walked the runners trail - double wankers!!

As we know Lantern likes a fire!  In fact he had 3 fires going when we all got back, one in the house, one in the man cave, and one in the fire  pit outside.

In due course, Lanterns feast was served up. Large pieces of chicken, sausages and beefburgers along with salad on some other green stuff. And in keeping with tradition, he served up icecream cake and pavlova. Crow was very watchful all night.

Bastard did the Lip and awarded downs to -
. Lantern for a top run,
. Pioneer for 410 runs,
. Bald Eagle for having his own lip,
. TT for 395 runs,
. Maggie May for 409 runs, practice,
. Bastard for calling On On when the Trailmaster was present,
. Ringer for losing weight -reason given having to perform every night of the week with sex partner SupaSal.

Hashers like Soff, Cheeze, Crow kept in the background and missed out .GA went home early. And at the end of the night, it was the Central Coast Cruisers last to leave again.

The biggest loser from the weekend was awarded to Tracka - something about a black and white bird.

The Hub resurfaced and was worn with great pride by Tracka - and was awarded for the next week to Ringer for being such a performer!

Next weeks run will be at the carpark behind  the weighbridge at Sulphur Creek/Heybridge with the On On back at Bastards in Adina Court, Penguin.

The run after that will be Tracka's run at the Coles Beach picnic are carpark - we know it well.
And the run after that will be set by Dint TBA.

The Drunken Walkers will stumble from the Lighthouse Hotel about 7.30pm AET.

Sent on my soon to be replaced computor.


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