November 22, 2012

Christmas Run Transport

As we know the Joint Masters (or their proxies) have decreed that the Christmas Run will be divided into two parts.


Firstly, dinner will be a buy-your-own at Molly Malones and the après On-On will be at the establishment of Poxie and PB (with bring a supper plate for those in a position to do so). The “refreshments” will be supplied by DH3. There will be no cost for this. (i.e. no $10 contribution).


The purpose of this communication is to find out who may be interested in getting a lift to and from the venues. If there is enough interest, it will be further considered and arrangements made.


If you would like to “get a ride” please tell someone who cares or ...... email me at


On On!!






1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is it???

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