May 31, 2010

Pox Akin Cowboys

Poxy's lavish flour trail (you can tell this is fiction) led the runners a merry dance along the foreshore trail and down to the beach for a Mastercheck the size of a small city.

Cheese played (and won!) sandy noughts and crosses with Flasher because you don't need to be a good speeller to play norts and crisses.

Trail took the runners well up into the trails between the Don College and the swimming pool before sending them on home again.

Meanwhile the walkers made it to the first Mastercheck, before half went bananas and split off home. The remainder -Tracka, Dini and Ringo- went for the B root, following no trail (typical clever trail setting by the hare) and collecting up late starters Who and ShoveIt who were on a different bit of the no-trail.
On home to the firepot and the plywood lawn (beats mowing) where Mabel had prepared a fine three course spread. The wrigged raffle was bolstered by a supply of used sticky DVD discs which Bastard collected from a church fair. Other popular prizes included pre-squished marshmallows, a Norse virgin's initiation hat (modelled here by Tandem) and a quantity of Cowboy shots, the effects of which can be gauged by Tracka's demeanour (above). We want some more of those next week.

Next week's run is being set by Flasher from 118 Upper Maude Street, Ulverstone, with Gran's Other Van (A Bit of This) on kitchen duty.

On! On! Dini
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